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Edited 26th June 2019

So here is chapter two - slight time skip, so it's now the end of Bella's honeymoon, and when things get intreating, A/N at the bottom...

Elle smirked as she began her shift, she was in Hogsmead today, Rosalie and Alice was in Diagon Alley, the family had temporally spilt, Carlisle and Esme up at Hogwarts; Carlisle in the hospital wing and Esme teaching Muggle Studies; and she was back and forth training under Minerva.

Jayson and Emmett decided to train with Harry, and begin work in the Unspeakable section.

Jasper had stayed to help his wife at the Hogsmead shop; and would become the new Defence and Protection officers, Since the war new defensive classes had been added to help the students with a batter chance of survival should Hogwarts be attacked again. 

 The family would stay in the large muggle house every night after work; everyone travelling to the house after the working day.

Elle grinned as she flicked the open sign; her heels clicked against the wooden floor and she watched as Jasper shift through the delivery boxes for the men's section.

The Hogsmead shop was just like any other muggle shop, clothes were on racks, mannequins, or folded neatly on tables, displays of shoes, handbags, schoolbags, she even had a section where she did free Hogwarts alterations, to anyone in Hogwarts uniform, she even sold robes and even prom style dresses and dress robes, for the Christmas ball Hogwarts now annually put on.

Two floors Hogsmead had and three for Diagon ally since it would be busier now that Glad Rags Shut as the owner died and left no children.

The Men's section was downstairs, with Jasper down there and the main floor was the female section, the boys could also get Hogwarts school bags and robe replacement from the main floor.

There was also adult clothes, as well as teaching robes. Once nine o'clock rolled around Jasper kissed his wife and grabbed the two remaining boxes and went down the stairs.

Dark wooden panels offer safety to anyone going down stairs, the stairs was made of oak wood and creaked slightly. The  shop also had a magically enlarged changing room section at the back, behind a large white curtain opened up to a circular room, with cubicles around the room, each with a pink curtain shutter and gold comfy seating in the centre, pink and gold cushions were on sofas chairs plushes and even a gold beanbag one side and a pink one another, large gold framed mirrors hung around the room and a few plotted plants on gold stands stood, the carpet was a nice shade of grey but it was thick and soft. The walls inside the main shop was stone, and pink picture frames hung on the wall, black and white canvases of New York, Toyko, Milan, and London Skylines were on the walls behind the one counter.

Downstairs the men section had dark oak wood, and stone walls, rows of cubical were at the back with white shutter doors, a dark oak counter was at the back, near the belts and belt buckles.

El smiled as the first of her customers came in, they browsed allowing El to put on the radio, she heard thumping music from down stairs but ignored it as she put on a pop song, the witches and wizards wouldn't hear music from either floor until the reached the 8th step on the stairs.

Elle began her day with paperwork, she help customers and soon the influx of Hogwarts students picking out weekend clothes arrived, she had booked in thirteen Hogwarts alterations, including a repairing of teaching robes.

Once the influx of students had been seen too, Elle went on her break, Jasper had taken over as the men's section was a little slow, so he shut it for fifteen minutes to allow his wife to 'rest' when in reality it was just to check in with the family. 

She checked her mail and saw that nothing came, but a sudden burst of a patronus had the vampire jump slightly, she watched the Doe gallop around her office space before stopping in front of her. 

"You have to come quickly" the voice of Rosalie rang through "It's Bella" it finished and then faded, Elle gasped and dropped her Quill and then exited  the office. 

"Jasper" she called and he appeared a determined look in his eyes as he looked at his panic stricken wife. 

"I heard" he replied "I have Floo'd Dale and Alex in" he commented, Elle was proud her husband wasn't fearing the floo network like other members of the family, the magical flames didn't burn them as vampires, it was just more of a uncomfortable tickling sensation, which meant they couldn't have long conversations.

 Dale and Alex were a husband and husband hire salesmen, they both knew the shop and Jasper (well more like Rosalie) hired them to cover and help with the Diagon ally shop when Elle or any of the Cullen's were not there. 

Two pops echoed just as Jasper commented about bags needing to be packed as It looked to be a few days before either one could return to the magical world.

"Were here" Alex sang, he was a tall man with bright hazel eyes, he had a sharp chin and cheek bones and he wore his shoulder length thick brown hair in a man bun. Dale was complete opposite, he was a small stocky man, with a small gut and he always wore a tape measure around his neck, he had a spiked ink black short hair. Dale was also the quieter of the two, both wore matching grey pinstriped suits and polished black shoes.

"Go, go" Dale replied waving the pair away "Jasper tells me it's a family emergency" Ell  grasped her designer bag and then on to Jaspers arm where she side-along apperated to the main Cullen home in Central London. 

Arriving just outside  the big house, Elle and Jasper walked in the main door and kicked off their shoes at the door, Esme who had new flooring put in when she had the house built had put in a no shoe rule after Emmett and Jayson trailed mud through the house after a particular messy hunt.

They used their speed to go straight to the dinning room which was in-between the kitchen and the living room, which also doubled as the family's 'meeting' room,  greeting the family hurriedly, except Edward and Bella as expected. 

"What's going on?" Elle asked placing her bag on the table and her white coat on the spare chair in front of her. 

"It's Bella" Carlisle explained gently, His doctors voice coming out "She's pregnant".....

So ta cliffy, what you think?

I am thinking of changing it a little, it will still be Breaking Dawn but a small change in the way things are, obviously I have changed it so there all in London, which is where they will stay for now, but I was thinking of adding a few bits like: Elle and Jasper Adopting a child or teen that goes to Hogwarts? A little Drama, like someone after Elle or even Jasper romantically? 

On the child Subject comment below if you would like any of the following: 

* A squib, Muggle, Witch or Wizard? 

**Do you want a boy or girl? Any names? Ages? A baby, toddler or teen? (Teen would have to be witch/wizard though)

Please let me know what you want in the comments. 

Love you all 


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