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Edited 23rd June 2019

Elle stood froze not knowing what to do, her throat tightened and she watched as the colour drained from her father's face.

"Elle" he whispered before passing out, she used her vampire speed to catch the man, she sat on the floor her father's head in her lap. 

Her eyes watered as Jasper raced through the door to her, followed very quickly by the rest of her family. She stared at each of them, swallowed the non existent lump, and then lowered her head to meet her fathers, her golden eyes which with tears which couldn't fall; Esme's heart broke as her daughter began to dry sob. Her hands clutched tightly around her open mouth. Her own eyes swimming in tears.

"Elle" Carlisle replied gently, he approached the female calmly. "let me take him upstairs" he begged her; She didn't move, nor push Carlisle away as he crouched down to her and Charlie.

"I-I-I thought it was Bella" she replied quietly, her eyes never leaving her father's very pale face.

"It's no-ones fault" Carlisle replied softly; "It was a simple accident"

"The Volutori won't see it like that" Edward replied heavy and Esme shot her son a warning look.

"Edward" Esme replied in a warning removing her hands.

"No he's right" Elle replied with a  dry sob; She allowed Carlisle to gently lifted Charlie from her lap; he hands following. "he is going to die" she sobbed as Jasper rushed to cradle his love. "I can't kill him, I won't" she sobbed softly to them

"Shhh" Jasper cradled he stoked her hair and sat with her on the patio floor. "we will figure it out I promise" 

Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the house and caused almost everyone to duck in instinct. Smoke blew from the stairs and heavy smell of burning had Elle gasping and racing to the attic, followed by Jasper, Esme and Edward. Carlisle took the time to take Charlie to his office.

"Oh Elle" Esme commented a heart broken look in her eyes as she  eyed the blackened door, the room itself was charmed so that if a potion exploded, then it would go no further than the room itself. 

Elle slowly stepped in, opening the damaged door, the stench of melting plastic and burning wood were heavier in the room and papers still fluttered to the blackened floor; the window was completely smashed in, and where her desk was, remains of a  burning cauldron.

 The sprinklers, Esme had put in had reacted fast as it sprinkled down to prevent fire spreading, but the damage was done her once spotless office/lab was now a burnt mess. Her book cases where damaged and as she picked up her first year potions book it crumbled in to her hands. 

She dry sobbed, her clothes and hair stuck to her as they continued to pour.Esme quickly switched them off, her sad face looking over the mess.

"Everything's gone" she replied quietly. She turned to her 'photo' wall and broke down on the floor, the managed remains of her Hogwarts years were now a blackened smudged on the bricked wall. Her Hogwarts years gone, just like that, like they never existed.

"We can replace most of it" Esme offered softly and Elle snapped to her.

"You can NOT" she replied angrily and with a cloud of pure white smoke she disappeared with a pop.

Jasper gave a sigh and looked around; his eyes drew to every mangled corner.

"It's going to be expensive to replace" he replied in a soft tone

"We'll manage" Alice replied looking around it;

"We must do it for her" Esme replied her face still twisted in heart break.

~Magic Mates~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora