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Edited 23rd June 2019

Hi there AGAIN! Wow you guys are lucky this is what my third update in a day! anyway this is the Last chapter Of AU, which means we're are now on to Breaking Dawn.

I just want to take the opportunity to thank you all for this journey, I literally couldn't be happier, we've had ups and downs blood sweat and tears, but I am so thankful for all of you.

I hope you enjoyed Elle and Jasper journey, and Yes I will be writing Elle in to the Harry Potter books. But it will be along way before its published, in writing a draft out as we speak. I will tell you it is NOT exactly like the Cannon books just like the Twilight books I have tweaked it a bit to all room for Elle and the Swan family. 

Well anyway enough rambling  I have a story to deliver enjoy :).

They stood at other ends of the battlefield, their eyes drifting to one another. They hadn't seen each other in a year but everything fell around them, memories swarmed both their heads.

"Elle don't do this please" Jasper begged softly with Elle's perfect hearing she could hear him word for word.

"I have no choice" Elle commented and she leaned forward she still only had one arm but she could still put up a fight.

"NO" Esme cried as Jasper and Elle met in the center, the two bodies clashing like concrete balls combing the ring rang around the forest.

"Let them" Alice replied her eyes shifting and moving fast as she was dragged in to a thousand possibilities, but with only one outcome. "Leave them concrete on those behind them, they will attack"

"When?" Rose replied Emmett cracked his knuckles

"Three" Alice commented at first everyone was confused each sharing a look,

"Two" Alice commented again, this one Hermione twigged on, her hand gripped her wand tightly,

"It's a count down" she whispered and  with that the vampires crouched and growled, the Shifters shifted and the wizards prepared to take flight.

"One" Alice whispered and the magical humans took to the sky, the vampires raced forward at sped and the wolves growled and barked as they too thudded forward, the gigantic animals leaving low prints in the ground.

"No" Maria replied, as she watched the battle, even though she had vampires and a handful of wizards she never expected to see the shifters they were nothing more than a myth, she stood wide eyed as the battle clashed below her.

"NO" she called as Jasper pinned the one armed Elle to the floor, he looked at Maria a heated heavy glare on his face and then his wife, he pulled her up she still thrashing, and in the mist the battle he broke her, he allowed the body to fall, her head cradled gently in his hands, a heart broken look on his face.

Molly apparated next to him and using magic she knocked out Elle and then apperated away, along with Elle's body.

Jasper growled his eyes focussed on Maria, she looked scared but turned to run as he slow walked through her, taking out as many people as he passed. He paused as Alecto Carrow tried to fight him.

"You" He spat, she gulped and tried to apperate away but he caught her.

"This is for my wife" and before she could answer or even scream, he tore her head clean of her shoulders blood splattering both him and the trees and ground around him, the body thumped to the ground and he stepped over it, the head still in his hands his fingers twisted in her greasy hair.

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