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Edited 12th June 2019

Here we go....now its the end of Twilight and I may have Bella and Cullens in England for a few chapters and then we will move on to New Moon....its all one book but I will incorporate all four books....DISCLAIMERS I own nothing you recognise...all belong to Myers and the Queen her self JKR....and in lights of recent events and I may lose readers for this but I don't care and I know it will not help but...no matter religion or belief, you are welcome on this earth, we are one race, and my arms and heart are open to you. In the words of Albus Dumbledore 'no matter what tongue we speak...all our hearts beat as one' enjoy

Bella had woken in a panic but her sisters face quickly entered her slightly blurry eyes sight. 

"Shh, it's okay you're safe" Elle replied softly and Bella calmed her breathing. The brunette looked to her sister and sighed 

"Any news?" Bella asked and Elle shook her head, 

"None; but no news is good news" Elle commented with a shrug 

"Not all the time" Bella commented harshly she flipped the quilt off her and followed Elle from the bedroom. The burrow had changed Bella noticed, no longer was it cluttered and loud but large and quiet a stark opposite to what she and Elle were both used to. Pictures hung on the wall all the way down the wooden steps a single red carpet rolled down the stairs muffling the their footsteps. E

Elle lead Bella in to the kitchen/dining room a large rounded table sat one end of the kitchen and cream counters and matching cupboards all sat along the other, there was a large back door and a fireplace attached to the stairs. A large round rug was placed in the centre of the kitchen where a child previously was playing due to the small amount of toys and magnets sat on the floor. Molly was humming using magic and cooking at the sae time.

Bella noticed there was only Charlie Weasley sat at the table she greeted him as Elle went to Molly to kiss her cheek and have her hand smacked as she tried to steal bacon from the plate. 

"Not for you, your sister" the older witch commented Elle grumbled and sat besides Charlie at the table. 

"Where is everyone?" Bella asked 

"Bill and Fluer are working, same with Ron and George" Charlie replied "Harry and Ginny are still in bed" He rolled his eyes at that "And Hermione is off somewhere no doubt reorganising the books and Perc?" Charlie asked "Yeah he moved out"

"Percy no longer lives here?" Bella asked in surprise

"He hasn't since before the war" Elle explained "But he still pops by" Bella nodded as the floo kicked up, Elle shared a look with Bella before both girls rushed to the fire. They saw Alice's face in the flickering flames and Bella almost cried with glee.

"El" Alice happily replied "Bells"

"Pixie" Elle called effectionally and Molly and Charlie left, 

"We're just giving you an update, James has been tracked to Forks high" She explained 

"Well?" Bella asked 

"We got him but had to burn the gym down" Alice explained "Rumour is faulty wiring mixed with prom decorations"

"That was quick" Alice shrugged it hadn't even been twenty four hours yet.

"But what about Victoria?" Bella asked softly 

"She escaped, Rose scared her off trying to get to Charlie" Alice sighed

"Fuck" Elle swore  "so now what do we do?" Elle asked another plan forming in her mind 

"You both come back?" She asked and Elle shrugged Bella looked hopeful, 

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