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Edited 6th July 2019

Oh my gosh 60 chapters all ready and not even half way through breaking dawn. This chapter will be taken from Jasper and the Cullen's POV. It's also going to include breaking dawn.

Enjoy :) xx

Jasper stood and watched his family interact with the Vampires send to them, some that helped with the Voltori. 

Witnesses, Jasper let out a pain filled smirk as Peter and Charlotte made their way over to him, they'd just met EJ and Charlotte was instantly smitten with the fast growing child.

"How's married life treating you Jazz?" Peter asked man hugging his brother-in-Arms.

"Okay" Jasper replied pulling  Charlotte in to a hug.

"Jasper is everything okay?" She asked softly and Jasper looked his brother and then to his adoptive family, Carlisle and Esme hadn't made it back from London yet and Edward and Bella were on the green talking to the Romanian coven Alice and Jayson had sent.

"Come with Me" he commented the trio left the grounds of the Muggle house and the pair confusingly followed Jasper to the Burrow. Which was situated 35 miles away from the main house.

"What is this place?" Charlotte asked as they passed through the charms, the Burrow was the same quirky place, but it was more secure, and the living room and kitchen had been expanded to accumulate the large ever growing Weasley family.

"Welcome to Elle's childhood home" Jasper replied and they both nodded both smiling slightly. Jasper raised his hand to knock and Molly quickly answered

"Back so soon Jasper?" She asked "you've only just left us "Jasper smiled and  nodded; pulling the witch in to a small hug.

"I've brought some family" He explained "they wanted to see her is that okay?" She smiled at Peter and Charlotte and nodded allowing the three to enter.

"George's old room" the witch commented and he nods hugging the witch again before requesting the pair to follow him.

"Jasper what's wrong?" Charlotte asked slightly worried

"Why isn't she at the house?" Peter asked confused.

"Because this is the safest option" Jasper commented with a sigh "and fore warned she's in a bad mood"

Jasper knocked and entered, ducking just as a thick heavy book embedded in the wall behind him and his wife huffed angrily.

"I told you I didn't want to see you" Elle snapped harshly

"I brought a surprise" Jasper replied calmly stepping in the room.

Elle gasped and smiled brightly as he moved to reveal Charlotte and Peter.

"Char-Char" She replied rushing to hug the vampire

"Ellie" the vampire replied the pair hugged and then Charlotte squealed as she spotted the small rounded bump on her stomach.

"Oh wow" Peter replied "since when?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Charlotte asked linking her arm through the pregnant women's arm and dragging her to the large bed

"Because Jasper wanted it kept a secret, he thinks the Voltori will end me if they found out" Charlotte squeezed he hand and Elle cried out.

~Magic Mates~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin