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Edited 23rd June 2019

Hi again, so we're almost at the battle of Maria, yes I probably call it that until I can find or hear a better name for it. So anyway, soon be at Breaking Dawn, and will be going vi script because I can't find my book. So I will be going off memory and script. There will be AU chapters that will involve El and Jasper.

Anyway Enjoy :)

Elle groaned and painfully moved her neck she hissed as the metal she felt around her neck creaked.

"You can't move" Alecto Carrow's voice replied hate dripping from every word.

"Why?" Elle asked croaked

"The chains they're laced with potions" She explained smirking "I found it in a book, you're too weak" she grinned and Elle stared down her left arm still missing and her leg were chained to the ground, using her free arm she tried to break away but a biting in her neck had her screaming out loud.

"Sorry" Maria replied coming In her voice stated she not at all sorry "every time you attempt to escape that potion will burn through your body"

"How?" Elle stated she never felt more human

"It's laced with draught of the living death, considering your already dead, it just burns your insides" Maria replied "I wish I had known a bout this beautiful magical world before, I could have achieved so much" Maria replied she clicked her fingers and a scared looking women was thrown in the dusty room.

Elle hadn't eaten in two weeks growled as Alecto Cut the finger of the paralysed women, she could sense the blood, her frenzy was beginning, her throat burned and her eyes went as black as night.

"You've never tasted human blood before" Maria replied she threw the body at Els feet, if El really stretched she could reach the women's leg. "Let's see how long she lasts" Maria replied and with a slice the throat was slit the women gurgled and struggled to breath on the floor.

Elle's growls filled the cabin before chains broke with a snap and Maria's gleeful chuckles were echoing around the forest.


Jasper paced he was upset, hurt and angry. He felt his walls crumbling and he couldn't stop it. His whole world came crashing down and there was nothing he could do.

"Jasper?" Rose asked knocking on the door, he heard her a mile off her hells clicking on each step she climbed to the height room in the house. "Jasper, Edward's back with Harry"

Jasper looked to his sister, his 'twin' he saw how ruffled and devastated she was, her normally impeccable hair was thrown in a messy bun, there was no makeup and she wore a large thick dressing gown over her clothes.

Jasper pressed himself to hug his sibling, they both squeezed hard as they joined one another in a much needed hug. They pulled away, and Jasper followed Rosalie down the three flights of stairs.

Entering the living room he saw that Edward, Arthur and Carlisle was in the corner maps out in front of them, Harry Emmett and Jayson were introducing Ron to the games console and Hermione was reading with Ginny a mountain of books on the coffee table. Molly, Esme and Leah were in the kitchen making food by the sound and smells of it.

Vampire Charlie had came in, Sue and the wolves behind him.

"Nothing" he grumbled "fucking nothing"

"Calm" Sue replied calming her vampire mate down. Charlie hugged and fell in to the Comfy chair, he looked at Jasper and shook his head sadly.

Charlie's talents as  a cop in his human life had turned in to an excellent tracker but like any new born his power had yet to fully manifest. He had 7 months left before he could be considered a 'old' vampire.

~Magic Mates~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz