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Edited 21st June 2019

Chapter Two

Jasper and Elle raced home, as soon as they had touched down in Seattle, they raced back to Forks, an hours drive took them only ten minutes by foot, they raced back through the Cullen home just as Edward was turning on the TV.

"Where are the others?" he asked the newly engaged pair

'On their way" Jasper replied his eyes glued to the TV, Elle grasped his hand and they watched the new report.

"it is reported that the missing are now feared dead, police believe it is down to a gang related incident, but with no motive and no type of suspect, the people of Seattle have began to worry about their own safety" the news reader replied Elle's face paled and her hand that wasn't holding Jasper's was wrapped around her mouth as her eyes glued to the screen.

"So it is one of us?" Jasper asked he looked to his fiancee and saw her pale face already slightly pale as she moved to slowly sat on the sofa.

"It's happening...this is how it starts" She muttered but due to the super hearing of her partner and soon to be brother-in-law they caught on, Jasper raced to her side. "It's happening all over again" she replied her hands going to her now shorter hair, Jasper used his strength to tear her hands away,  before she could rip it from the scalp. Elle seemed to be out of it, and Edward and Jasper shared a concerned look. Elle's usual soft amber eyes turned black as a starless night and it concerned Jasper as he watched her essentially break apart at the seams.

"Elle?" he asked her softly, but all she was muttering coherent things in latin "Eleanor"

"I can't I won't, I can't go through another war, I just can't" she stated resorting back to English. Elle was now dry sobbing

"We won't need to" Jasper lied, his eyes quickly darting to Edward, his own face twisting in pain as he was open to her mind 

"She's seeing the war" he replied, his eyes were closed and he appeared to be breathing heavily "Jasper is like nothing I've ever seen before....so horrible"

"How bad?" Jasper demanded softly, his voice laced with concern as his eyes flickered between his girl and his brother.

"They are just children" Edward whispered sliding to the sofa "so many children" He gasped as Elle suddenly screamed Edward groaning as he clenched his jaw and his teeth tightly  "He's torturing her"

"Who is?" Jasper demanded angrily, His brother was no help and Jasper was glad when Carlisle and Esme flew through the front door, Carlisle immediately going to Elle's side.

"Elle" Carlisle replied quickly, ignoring his son's "you need to fight it"

"Fight what?  Edward? Carlisle?" Jasper replied  frustration and anger echoed in his voice , "What the fuck is happening?" Jasper's chest heaved with anger, his once bright golden eyes rounded and black like tunnels; he was mad and Esme saw it.  

Elle screamed again, it was torture; as Edward groaned both his and her body twisting and convulsing as she cried, her eyes slammed shut Esme pulled Jasper but he couldn't shift 

"Emmett" the mother hen cried out and Emmett who was attempting to calm his own mate outside, hurried inside and his steel hold was around Jasper

"It burns" Elle cried just as Jasper roared in anger "Get  OFF ME" 

"It could be her PTSD" Carlisle replied over the cries of Elle and shouts of Jasper "Get him out of here" Carlisle demanded no-one had seen Carlisle act this way, his normal gentle demeanour gone and in place was the vampire the doctor kept at bay, Emmett struggled but once Jayson had arrived it was easier for the pair to fight with Jasper to get him outside. Esme didn't care for her house as they destroyed doors, and door frames trying their hardest to get out.

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