3.1 🇬🇧

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Edited 20th June 2019 - Official start of Eclipse :D 

I am so sorry there is no excuse for me to leave it this long, I have literally been going though some personal issues and I hope you can forgive me for it and we're now in to Eclipse I know New Moon hasn't got a lot of chapters but I really struggled with it. AU begins now and will lead in to Eclipse at some point :)

The rain pelted it down outside which was typical for British weather, it was the only noise Elle could hear without concentrating and she loved being here. The cottage was two floors, the downstairs in soft browns and whites, wooden floors and wooden stairs. There was a large fireplace and equally large rooms; the whole downstairs was built open the two rooms just seemed to melt together. The upstairs also melted together, the bedroom leaded in to the bathroom and then that lead in to the large closet. Large square windows showed the vast hills they had surrounded themselves with; snowdrops were planted in a makeshift pathway where Elle's Audi sat. 

Elle had taken residence in the large comfy chair, she hadn't moved from the seat in two days, only to hunt; she barely spoke to Jasper in the three days since they were had been there. She looked to see Jasper enter with just a towel wrapped around his body, he smiled at her softly and she stood and locked the bathroom door behind her.

Jasper sighed and ran a hand through his freshly cut locks, he was angry, upset and confused. Elle's letter arrived from the ministry alerting her of the change in power and she must meet with the new minster to discuss the new Treaty. 

Elle not seeing any of her Wizarding friends had taken a toll on the new vampire; Bella had sent word her Best Friend had given birth while Elle was in the ground and she had yet to see the baby.

Elle had come out in a tight grey skirt and light pink office top which was tucked inside the high waisted skirt. A grey jacket was over her arm and Jasper had changed in to a grey shirt and matching sweater, and yet to slip on his grey dress pants.Jasper smirked as Elle pinched his ass as she headed to the mirror to tidy her new locks.  

The pair entered the ministry a hour and half later. Their heels and shoes clicked along the stone corridors. She wore large rounded glasses to cover the hunting red eyes Elle now supported and she kept her head down as they fought their way through the mid morning traffic.

"This is your government?" Jasper asked in a vampire whisper. It barely echoed around the corridor but Elle had picked it up as soon as the words left his mouth. 

"Yes," she hissed and they continuing silence to the minister's New office. Elle wasn't around when they announced the new minster; she didn't have a clue who it was and Elle lead Jasper to the new office. 

Elle was surprised to see Harry coming from the office, a small smile on his face as he clutched a pile of paper work. Elle stopped and so did Jasper and both vampires watched as Harry paled and the paper work slipped from his hands. 

"Elle" He asked breathlessly; Elle bit her lip but nodded shifting as Jasper's hand remained on her lower back. Harry shifted his glasses and he coughed in surprise as he looked between Jasper and Elle. "I thought-" He paused not sure how to wrap his head around the fact his best friend is alive. Well kind of. 

"We thought so too" Jasper commented "But it did in the end all it needed was time" 

"Well that's erm good then" Harry commented smiling softly and Elle's emotions changed, just as expected and Elle rushed to Harry and hugged him. He coughed but she pulled back slowly. 

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