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Edited 17th June 2019  

Hi welcome to the AU side of my story, soon we will be heading in to New Moon, enjoy PS I don't own anything you recognise all belong to Queen JKR and Meyers I am a little fan having so much fun with this story :)

The day broke and the sun shone on the unusually quiet burrow; Birds chirped and Wind swept the grass making it dance. All of a sudden a loud bang and shriek made Elle  jump from her skin and roll off the bed and on to the hard floor. 

"Damn my ears" Elle yells at the intruder, who was to busy laughing at the tangled mess in the bedding and struggling to get up, 

"Damn it George who knew you could shriek that loud" Elle replied standing and  the red head grinned, as a bruise formed on George's head, Elle grabbed her wand which was resting on the beside table and she cocked her head to the side like a confused dog. 

"RUN" She suddenly shrieks and he laughed apprating away; Elle following but running through the house instead.

"Are the always like this?"  Esme asked as Elle darted passed her; her hair crazy and pj's askew 

"It was worst when there was two of them" Molly answered with a chuckle as George ducked to avoid the speed Elle aimed at him; Elle laughed and Carlisle and Esme joined Molly at the kitchen window where they had the perfect view of the two play fighting and running.  

"I've never seen El this playful" Carlisle replied as he watched Emmett join the chase a huge grin on the vampire's face as he teamed against Elle. 

"Well Fred was worst" Molly replied a little sadly; She watched as Elle rose both George and Emmett from the ground getting flashbacks of Elle playing with Fred and George. 

"Yeah El explained" Carlisle commented softly; he grasped her shoulder and squeezed it gently "we really are sorry for your loss" Molly patted him on the hand and handed him a small blood tablet noticing his darker than normal eyes.

Elle laughed breathlessly as  Emmett placed her on the seat, everyone laughing at both his and George's hair who were both sporting bright green and sliver hair. 

"Damn" She replied as she massaged the stitch forming in her side; she thanked Molly who handed her a glass of OJ, Molly then gave Elle a large plate of eggs bacon and toast, which she wolfed down with the humans that were eating; Both Emmett and Jasper surprised she could eat so fast.   

"Charlie will be here soon" Molly reminded Elle and she groaned softly pushing the now empty plate down.

"Do I really have to see the dunderhead?" She asked and Molly grinned giving her a light chuckle as the elder witch added more food to the plate and Elle grinned as she took the bacon in her mouth. 

"I thought your dad was staying in America" Emmett stated confused and Elle grinned as rose face palmed

"Not him" Elle explained  "Molly and Arthurs second eldest son, Charles" Elle replied and Emmett shook his head still not following; he thought he met all of the Weasley's "Erm dragon keeper"  Elle asked her eyes slightly wide trying to remember how she described the Wesley's Jasper knew who he was and so did Alice and Edward;, Emmett was giving her blank looks; Esme and Carlisle were shooting Elle amused looks. 

"Ah-ha! Red headed Moron that chases Dragons more than girls?" Elle replied clicking her fingers; a amused smirk fell on Emmett face. 

"Well, love you too Little Swan" A voice replied and there was a course of 'CHARLIE' from every where. 

"You knew he was there?" Elle questioned a grinning Emmett; Elle huffed as the larger man lifted her up from her chair and sat down; Everyone watched Jasper as Charlie placed Elle on his lip and stole the last of her bacon. The vampire in question was giving his girlfriend and her friend a heated gaze and Charlie waved as he was introduced to the Cullen's.

~Magic Mates~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz