3.6 🇬🇧

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Edited 21st June 2019

Alice and Elle had a mini staring competition. Elle had just dropped the bombshell of how Victoria was able to get through Alice's blinds spots, she wasn't making the decisions. Riley was.

"I have to admit it's very clever" Esme replied as the two girls were still staring at one another.

"No, it's not clever it's tactic" Jasper replied slightly angry he didn't think of it before "Maria used it all the time" at the mention of Maria; Elle pulled away from Alice and to looks at Jasper to grasp his hand and squeeze it

"So were at war?" Emmett replied he and Jayson began to crack their knuckles grinning at one another.

"Yes" Elle replied sadly "and like Carlisle stated with lives lost" she replied softly "but she may have that advantage, but we have another" Elle smirked and Alice smiled

"Of course Bella just completely disappeared" Alice almost sang happily, Jasper looked to his mate.

"If a war she wants we best start picking a battle field don't you think?" She asked and Jasper nodded smiling at his mate.

The following day Elle and Jasper met Bella and Edward at a clearing, they were to meet Jake here too; both Elle and Edward were getting impatient.

"Wish that wolf would hurt up" she sighed softly 

"Is Harry staying in America?" Bella asked to distract her vampire sister; Elle shrugged

"I don't know, Leah and Harry have to work out this imprint first" she replied "finally" she sighed out as Jacob approached them in human form

"You're not fighting?" Jacob asked Edward who nodded, Elle sighed in frustration.

Bella wanted Edward with her and it was a good idea but Victoria would be expecting them to be together. 

"What, you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob snorted out and Elle pinched the bride of her nose, a force of habit fro her human days. If this was to work they needed to get on.

"He's doing it for Bella. Okay?" Elle snapped and Jake rolled his eyes

"Whatever." He rudely replied, Jasper let out a growl and Elle grasped his arm.

"Just tell me the plan." Jacob sighed out looking at the four of them,

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent." Jasper tightly replied Elle looked to Jake

"It needs to end here." She explained to Jacob "Edward and Bella are going on a campsite."

"Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up our scents." Bella gently explained to him

"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward chimed in and Elle huffed glaring at Edward.

"Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." Jacob snapped back

"What he means, is that your scent will mask Bella  if you carry her" Elle stated and Jacob smirked in Edwards direction

"Done" Jacob replied quickly and Elle roll her eyes and shoot her sister a 'really?' look.

"This is not a good idea." Edward quickly replied his eyes darting between them all

"Edward. They won't want to get anywhere near his.." Jasper started but Elle had stomped on his foot "odour" he replied quickly shooting his mate a look. 

"Okay, let's just try it." Edward sighed out when his sister-in-law and brother wouldn't budge on their idea.

"Hide her until you see red sparks in the sky then bring her back" El replied softly tor Jake who gave her a stiff nod.

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