3.3 🇬🇧

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Edited 21st June 2019

Okay first off SORRY FOR BEING AWAY, with two children and run up to Xmas (which has now finally past) I've been busy and unable to update. I also hit a major plot written block and literally couldn't see the way the book was going. But now I have a some what idea...now truth be told I am struggling to keep to the books so I may do the major plot lines if the saga, but with my own twist so it will kinda follow the books but won't if that makes sense? Any how enjoy here is Eclipse chapter three enjoy 😘☺️

Chapter three

When Elle, Rosalie and Esme arrived, their arms ladened with bags, Elle had given her sister the once over before nodding at herself and then following in Rosalie and Esme's lead and dumping the large shopping bags by the stairs. Elle then joined the rest of her family in the sitting room; just as Carlisle switched the tv off.

"An unknown scent has been in Bella's house, left Charlie alive" Carlisle quickly explained, Esme reached for Carlisle; her hand resting on his forearm, he grabbed her hand in a gentle squeeze just as Elle growled heavily.

"Calm down" Esme warned her soon to be daughter-in-law, her free motherly hand resting on Elle's shoulder "Why would they leave Charlie alive?" She asked her husband,  Carlisle shrugged unable to answer the question.

"Is it connected?" Elle asked as Bella and Elle shared a small smile; Elle then reached for her sister surprising her family. 

"I can do this" Elle replied softly to Edward who was about ready to pull Bella from her arms; Bella finally sobbed as she clung to her elder sister.

"Elle" She commented not even bothered the teen broke down in front of a coven vampires. "it's so good to see you again" Bella replied with a sniff.

"I have some ideas for your wedding" Elle replied distracting the human "I'd like to write the invites as I can't be there" she replied softly 

"Of course but we haven't set a date yet" Bella replied confused and Alice just smirked winking at both Elle and Bella.

"You will soon" The pixie vampire replied Elle moved to Esme and Carlisle they both reaching for the vampire and giving her a small smiles of her own. Bella rejoined Edward.

"This scent, is it recognise able?" Elle asked, her mind working on over time, Edward didn't dare see what was in Elle's mind, the mind reader refusing to even go near her head not wanting to be trapped in the horrors again.

"No" Edward replied slightly frustrated and Elle nodded about to say something but a familiar southern accent filled the house. 

"It disappeared five miles south of Bella's house" Bella watched as her elder sister physically brighten as Jasper joined her, the pair wrapped themselves around one another and Jasper kissed Els forehead; 

"A nomad passing through maybe?" Rosalie suggested 

"One wouldn't leave my dad alive" Elle replied softly, and Esme nodded.

"We must do something?" Carlisle replied with a sigh and Elle left the room quietly, all this talk of war had brought faded memories back to her mind;  She sat by the French doors in the kitchen which was always open when Bella was here; playing with a dying leaf she sighed as it floated above her palms. 

"Elle?" Edward asked from behind her, She didn't turn just rotating the leaf with her palm.

"I heard about your plans to take Bella to Florida this weekend" She asked him and Edward nodded sitting in a spot next to her :You should go, she'll love it" Elle replied softly the pair wasn't close but they spoke when it concerned Bella. 

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