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Edited 23rd June 2019

You know what guys! I have an ending drafted for this book, and it's very surreal. Of course don't panic yet we still have to get through this AU bit, and breaking Dawn. This books has given me up and Downs blood sweat and tears but it has defiantly helped me improve my writing as you could possibly tell, I have spent so long on this book it's almost became me.

I hopefully look at doing possibly 66 chapters all together, but I have a doubt I will reach that target, I think fifty would just cover it but we shall find out.
I'm looking forward to pressing that complete button and I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
Well anyway you Came for a new chapter not my ramblings So here it is enjoy...

Elle sighed as she placed the final pin in to Bella's dress that was on the mannequin, her golden eyes flittering to the dress and the potion she had to leave to sit for an hour.

Elle magically mended the dress her sister had managed to trip and rip during the rehearsal, Which Alice insisted they do in the back yard of the Cullen home.

She was up the attic. It was still her space, Rosalie and Jasper are the only ones who dared to enter while she worked; as one time she was making Carlisle, a 'blood soup' as Emmett calls it, just before his 15 Hour operation, when Alice came in, she soon left quickly when Elle made her hair vivid bright green. It wasn't Elle's fault exactly,  even as a vampire she tended to concentrate solely on the potion and Alice made her jump which cause Elle to add the wrong amount of Unicorn hair to the potion which exploded and gave them both green hair.

Elle quickly added the dragons blood to the shimmering potion; her eyes never filtering from the clock or her dress as she pinned the fabric together; pins sticking from her pincushion tied to her wrist.

Being a vampire had it's advantages Elle could do several tasks at once and not worry about time as it would forever be on her side. 

 Her head shot up as the door bell rang, she stepped to remove her apron Elle knew Bella was due to arrive and her sister always used the bell when arriving on her own, plus Alice was expecting another load of shopping.

Taking a breath, Elle smiled as it was Bella, her scent became part of the house, so Elle had raced to the front door swinging it open, she couldn't help but gasp as the person at the door wasn't Bella but...



SOOOO sorry its short but I struggled putting this in, I wanted Charlie at the Wedding (its already written) and I struggled no end to get this out and how to decide how to do it, the aftermath is next... 

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