2.5 🇬🇧

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Edited 20th June 2019 - Complete chapter rewrite.

As this story has proven to be popular I am going to continue with this book. Please forgive me for my lack of updating I have been re-editing chapters and will be re-writing the first half of this book. Hope you all understand and here is chapter 5 of New Moon and sorry for the delay....

Elle had looked down to Jasper and he was broken; he stood slowly; his head still low; and he didn't look at her as he spoke.

"I'm really am sorry" he replied softly "but I promise you when this plane lands you will never see me again, any of us again." 

"Stop" She replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper; however she knew he was able to hear her over the rumble of the jet. "I'm not sure if I forgive you" She replied painfully  "But I can not see you like this, I can't do it" She explained "Jasper what you did, it almost finished me, if it wasn't for Bella, the Weasley's..." She paused taking a deeper breath "Jasper I put my heart on the line and you, you completely destroyed it. I thought losing Fred was the most painful thing I would've had to endure but what you did, what you said" She looked at Jasper, who's head was lowered in shame "You embarrassed me in front of your family, you made me almost break the treaty, one that is on very fine ice" She commented, Jasper didn't say anything as she spoke. "Losing you destroyed me in a way I never knew was possible" She explained "If we are to do this" he looked to their hope running through his golden eyes but she held a hand up to him "I... I need time" She explained "I've proven I can't live without you, or your family" she replied "Jasper you were, you, still are, my everything, but you have to fight Jasper, you can't just roll over and -" Elle was cut off as Jasper hugged her; his fore head touching her own. Determination flashing between his eyes.

"Eleanor Swan, you've changed me in a way I thought wasn't possible. You were the light in my life I never thought I needed. Elle I swear to you on this day and every day until your death I will make it up to you" He explained his hands moved to her own where his large hand covered hers and she began fiddling with his fingers. "And even then I will follow you off this planet and in the skies above until we are together again"Elle smiled softly as he moved to cup her cheeks "Elle I love you" he replied "for all eternity my heart belongs to you"

Jasper felt her tiredness as she finally gave in, her body finally finished fighting off the adrenaline and the anger finally relaxed in his arms. 

"Sleep" he replied softly, Elle had to move her head to see his lips move, "Elle we can talk ore when we land but you need to sleep" She nodded and without saying a word, Jasper lifted her bridal style and slowly took her to the large bed, he pulled back the covers and slid her inside ignoring the fact she wore the dress he covered her up. Elle tiredly reached out to him as he turned to give her privacy. 

"Stay" She begged, Jasper's heart almost broke at her tone, it was like a distraught child and he nodded once using his speed to slip in the bed behind her. His arms automatically dropping over her body and he rested his head in her soft hair. She rolled and was now on his chest pinning him to the bed. Jasper sighed in content; not moving as she slept soundlessly. He looked down and thanked his lucky stars that Elle had given his second chance. He felt whole again having her bak in his arms. The heavy pain in his heart evaporated like water on a hot day. 

"I'm sorry for what I said" he whispered to his family "I really am" 

"Don't worry son" Carlisle's faint reply came "We all say things we don't mean in anger" 

"I know but-"

"All is forgiven Jasper, just look after her" Esme commented 

"We don't need to speak of it again" Rosalie stated. Jasper hummed in agreement before settling down next to his girl; his eyes closing as he fell in a state of relaxation using his power to mirror Elle's sleepy and relaxed state.

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