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        I reached my classroom. Opened the door and shut it behind me. Just as the bell rang. I'm out of breath. Panting very hard. One hand on my knee. I'm still catching my breath. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. Okay, i'm not a new student.

        "Ms. Grant, are you lost?" The teacher asked. Great. Discouraging a student.

        I stood up straight. "no ma'am. I have my first class here. I'm sure of it." I started towards my seat at the back and paused with some few steps away from it. My eyes wide in  surprise.

        I'm seeing Skyler West beside my chair and table! I have't been always attending this class but i'm fully sure that he doesn't belong in this class. He don't belong here! I act like nothing changed and go straightly to my seat.

        He doesn't even glance at my direction. He's too focus reading his book intently. I put my backpack at the back of my chair. I lose grip of my skateboard and let it fell at the floor loudly. Everyone jumped and looked at my direction.

        "sorry. Got slipped off my grip." I apologized innocently. Then everyone returned to their own businesses. Skyler doesn't even budge in reading.

        I sat down and placed my skateboard under my table.

        I lean to him. "what are you doing here?" I whispered.

        "attending my class?" He replied lowly. His eyes still at the book.

        "which i'm sure not here."

        "wasn't here." He corrected and turn to me. Well, i didn't really plan this. But i didn't notice that my face is close to him that when he faced me our faces are too close. "but now it is." He added as if not affected in our closeness. I can smell his breath. So fresh and minty. His blue eyes are in deep blue. He cleared his throath. "don't lean so close to me. I don't want them to think we have something."

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now