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        Summer's in the middle of their class when her phone rang. All turned at her direction. Someone's calling. She took it out of her pocket. She saw an unknown number at the screen. She turned it off. After a few moment, it rang again.

        "Summer, turn that off please." Mr. Klein ordered, getting annoyed of being interrupted for the second time.

        So she switched off her phone. She doesn't know who's calling anyway. It might just be a wrong number.

        After all the afternoon class, she's now walking at the hallway with Gianna. They're getting out of campus. Flint's in detention for being late in his class.

        Her ankle gets slightly better now, three days past after Skyler treated it and she took his advice. She walks slightly limp though and Gianna already knows it.

       "so, how are you and The Perfect Guy now? Still on the hots?" Gianna asked, smiling knowingly at her.

        "you know i have a boyfriend."

        "oh, does that stopped you flirting with somebody else?"

        She asked the obvious. Clearly no. "well.." She decided to answer the first question. "we're strangers now."

        "how? Knowing Skyler, once he has a friend he would always be friendly at them. Or knowing you, once you have a friend, you still do things you shouldn't do to them or the people they're close to." Gianna eyed Summer. "i think it's the latter."

        Summer sighed. "you may be right." She fished her phone again and turn it on. She forgot to turn it after her English class.

        It had 15 messages. 3 from Nathan, 2 from Flint, 3 From Axel, 2 from Trim, 2 from John and 3 from her father. She read first the messages from her father. It's very rare for her father to text her. It reall got her surprised.

        Your father had a high blood attack!


        We're here at Health's Hospital.


        Come here when you read this! He needed you!


        After reading those, her body felt cold and she haven't noticed she'd stopped walking. Eyes glued at the phone screen, her face paled. She nearly dropped her phone off.

        "Summer." Gianna called to her friend behind. She just noticed Summer stopped walking. She turned around and saw Summer's face went like ghost. Summer's still staring at the phone. She walked to her, calling her name but it seemed like she's very far because she's not hearing her. She hadn't even looked up to her. Now, that made worry flooded to her. She shook Summer by holding both of her shoulders. "Summer? Hey, Summer?" Her worry increased when her friend finally looked up to her. Eyes in horror then shifted to cold look. "what's happening to you? Are you--" she hadn't finished because Summer shoved her aside.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now