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Summer went to the door and opened it. She looked around her. Contemplating which way she should go. Then she spotted Skyler. Just sitting at a bench few steps away from her room. She exhaled a breath. Walking to him with a heavy package of emotions. She'd wished for him to be gone, but now, she's the one who's approaching him. Well, she's just curious why he wrote the lyrics in a very advance date or it could be the other situation around. It came upon her mind that she could have been asleep in six months, nearly seven. But com'on, she'd never expected that could happen to her. It's the very least she expected after the car hit her. She expected death, actually. But being in a coma is better. Very few people are walking at hallways. She saw a window ahead, it's very dark outside. There are also city lights that she glimpsed. It's already night.

"Skyler." She uttered his name, standing infront of him.

He slowly raised his head to her and meet her eyes. The emotions she see in his eyes are raw. Like he's very lost and don't know what a single thing to do. The other thing she sees there is failure. He failed to do something, or everything. To simply put it, he just look broken. He blinked and the look in his eyes changed. Hardened. It's too late to facade his emotions though, because she saw it all before her. In his very eyes. She thought of comforting him, if she can ask him why did he feel all those things. It hurt seeing him like that, it hurts that he have those feelings. But she can't ignore hers too.

"what are you doing here?" His voice sounded firm but she knows he's feeling opposite.

The paper in her hand crumpled from the tight grip of her fist. She slowly raise it forward. "why is the date very advance?" She hesitated to asked it but she did anyway.

Skyler's face frowned. Then he stood up. That made her retreat a step back or they would be standing close to each other. That also made her to lift her head up. To look at his face. Looking up to him, made her reminded of how manly he is. How he can just overpower her.

"let's get back to your room." He said instead and lifted his hand to hold her but she blocked his hand. Retreating another step back from him.

"no, Skyler. I want to know why." She sternly countered. Determined to have the answer.

Skyler looked at the corridor. "someone's coming this way. Let's go to your room." He said urgingly.

Before she can have another protest, Skyler gripped her arm and drag her to the room. After closing it behind them, she snatched her arm angrily.

"why did you do that? No one would care anyway if we talk or argue at the hallway." She stated.

"calm down, Summer." He spoke calmly.

Summer breathed for a minute and it made her feel better. She faced Skyler again. Folding her arms, she demanded. "now, i want your answers." Lifting her chin like she's all high and mighty.

Instead of hearing his answer, he smiled and chuckled. "look who's demanding now." Skyler mused. Walking past her to grab his canned coffee.

That brought Summer's jaw drop. How could this guy just ignore her like that? Minutes ago, they argued, and now, looks like they're going to argue again. When would they ever stopped arguing even just for an hour?

She turn around to look at him. "i don't want to argue with you again in this conversation, Skyler."

"same here." He said as he sat on the bed, opening his coffee and drink it.

"stop stirring our conversation elsewhere." She flipped frustratedly.

"i'm not." He shrugged.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now