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        The two guys are struggling.

        Skyler straddled and punched Dane at the face. The crowd circled and did nothing.

        Dane fought back. Turned the luck om him and he got the upper hand. He punched Skyler too.

        Both grunting and struggling to get at each other's throat.

        Summer stared eyes wide in shock.

        This is an unfuckingbelievable shit!


        Why is he here?! How did he know?! Fuck!


        She finally recovered from her shock and started to approach them, still wavering her balance a bit. Her head giddy still.

        "stop it!" She yelled. Pulling Skyler away from Dane. She held his arm that'd been raised to punch Dane again. Skyler looked at her, eyes so intense in anger, face scowling. He sure looks wanted to growl. She grabbed his wrist that gripped Dane's collar. He stopped and backed up. Pulling her to him. Dane stood back up abruptly and pulled Summer from Skyler. He stepped infront of her.

        "Why are you here, Skyler?" She inquired.

        Still panting from the brawl, he replied, "let's go home, Summer. Your father called me. He thought you're with me but you're here. I'm bringing you home."

        "i'll go home later."

        "now, Summer." He gritted.

        "man, she said--"

        Skyler cutted Dane off, "--you're out of this so shut up." Glaring at him.

        Summer, losing her patience, she stepped out of Dane's back and stepped between them.

        "you're the one out of this, Skyler. Why do you even care if i'm not yet home? Why are you turning into Dad's puppet now? Rescuing his daughter at his beck and call. Maybe you just want to show your kindness to anyone. Limit being their boy, Skyler. And please, stop caring about me, if you really did. I don't want to be confused and assume again. So please, stop helping me, stop being so nice and thoughtful. People will misunderstood it for something else."

        Please stop everything because you already have someone else. That's what she truly wanted to say. The aching in her heart functioned again, the lump in her thoat building again, her tears threatened to spill but she put up so much control to stop it. To stop breaking her facade.

        Skyler looked away, taking a deep breath. Reached for his patience, calling all his willpower to control his rage. He's panting in anger. He closed his eyes for a moment. Calming himself. When he thinks he managed to lessen it, he looked at her again.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu