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        He arrived late at his apartment and he immediately showered. Though he felt a bit jetlag, he shrugged it off. Taking in mind that he don't have enough time to waste while he's home. The thought made him smile a bit because even in his home, he can't rest and relax. He wanted to spend time with his family and visit Summer. He also wanted to catch up with some of his friends who haven't left this town for college but he can't count it in his weekend schedule.

        After he showered, he changed his clothes and went for his keys at the drawer beside the door. Snatched it up and walked out of the house. Opening his garage with his remote, he opened his car and drive out. Locking the garage again and went off the road. He drive to his parent's house.

        It's a late afternoon and a weekend so he's sure both of them are home.

        Skyler arrived at his parent's house around six.

        The guard at the gate recognized his car and opened it for him. He drove inside and parked at the side. He stepped out and run for the stairs up to the house. Maids greeted him delightfully. He greeted them back. They only have few servants though they live in a mansion.

        "hi, dad!" He exclaimed loudly as he saw him going to the library, passing through the living room.

        Carlos snapped around, surprised he saw his son. Skyler hurriedly get to him and hugged his father. Carl did the same.

        "Skyler, how did you get here? And when?" He patted his son's back. Making himself believe that he's hugging him now.

        "just this afternoon. I've gone to my apartment and get here."

        They let go of each other and Carlos stared at his sone. "you look restless." He stated.

        "i'm fine." He mumbled. "where's mom?" He look around.

        "at the kitchen. You should have told us you're coming and we could have fetch you or scheduled our jet for you to travel privately."

        "then it won't be a surprise, dad." He patted his back and they walk together to the kitchen.

        "hi, mom!"

        Sheila immediately turned around at the booming voice of her son.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now