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        He scrutinized what he's seeing. He pushed his feet to take a step, approaching her. His gaze can't actually believe what he's looking. He haven't noticed he's not breathing when his chest constricted. He sucked in an air. Just one more step and he can finally touch her.

        He raised his hand, trembling. His breathing got rugged. He's now breathing but his chest still constricted. It hurts. He tapped her hand, held it very gently. Slowly feeling her warmth. His eyes blurred and a tear spilled down. He wiped his face.

        How? How did this happened, Summer? When? Where? And why?


        "h-how did this happened, Summer?" He voiced out his thought.

        He can never accept what he's seeing. Summer. Sprawled on the bed. IVs and oxygen connected to her. A bandage on her head, a cast on her left wrist. She looked pale and thinner.

        "what have you done, Summer? What did you do again?" His voice came out hoarsely, from the building lump in his throat.

        The bad girl had fallen down. The bad girl got unconscious.

        "please, wake up Summer. I have something to tell you." He pleaded. "wake up and spread your trouble again, Summer. I missed you."

        Saying that, isn't just enough. Now he can't just explain how he'd missed her so much in the past few weeks. He missed her style, her song, her voice, her bravery or stupidity in some things. Her mischievousness, being sassy, her humor, boyish acts, expressions and reactions when they encounter each other, also the way she kissed. He really wanted to see her blue-gray eyes. Wanted to see the real emotions in them.

        He knows her left wrist would heal. But he's sure Summer would get very upset when she knows it got damaged.

        He stared at her in a few moments, like waiting to see her wake up. Wanted to see any expressions from her but all he got is her sleeping face. He averted his eyes to her monitor. Heartbeat and brain functions are steady but still low.

        He looked at her again. His feelings got heavier. He can't look at her without getting hurt, scared, worry and nervous. He leaned closer to her face and kissed her cheek.

        "please wake up soon, Summer." He lowly mumbled at her ear. He's still leaning, bending down at her face. "I'll get back on my tracks. And you're my inspiration of it. I'm doing this not only for me, but for us. Wake up and watch me, Summer. See me on Hollywood. You're part of me. You're my bad girl. My only girl. I'm leaving next week for our dream and i know i'm gonna make it. Bye for now, Summer. I'll visit you tomorrow." He pinched her cheek very lightly.

        He stood up straight. Took a deep shaky breath and stared at her again.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now