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        Summer got off the bus from school and walked to their street. Just a few blocks away from the main road. They lived in a subdivision. It's only 5:30 and that is still so early for her. And she knows that her dad is not yet home. He's back at six or sometimes later.

        Things from her school did change a bit. Especially in her studies. She's improving forcefully. But things between them and Skyler, had never been change since their last argument about the pictures. He still holds them.

        She's humming a song she's currently listening on her i-pod while pressing into it. Finding a nice song to play next. She's wearing an earphone.

        She'd already gripped her house key and turned to unlock the door. She haven't noticed that the lights are on already. She got alarmed at that. She stepped in slowly and put her i-pod in her pocket. The music playing had been turned off. She had already made a noise when he opened the door but she still hope if there's any burglar in their home hadn't heard it. She just let the door open in case she need to run out for her life. She tiptoed and looked everywhere. Heightening her senses to have a clue where he or she is in the house. She's just up to her next step when he stumbles on something at the floor and looked down at it. It's a shiny black leather shoes. It's familiar to her. Then something just hit her mind. Her father's at home because the shoes are his! He's too early to be home.

        She let out a breath knowing it's her dad, not a burglar. She closed the door back and carefully pushed the shoes aside. Don't want to get it dirty from her own.

        She's walking pass the living room and the kitchen adjoined with dining area, without noticing her father cooking something in the kitchen.

        She's happen to step upstairs when her father called her.

        "you're home early." He said.

        Summer turned at the kitchen door. "i noticed you too."

        "i'm cooking dinner. Wanna join me?" He asked his daughter.

        Summer got surprised at that. Suddenly feeling guilty in all she'd done and said to her father. But she shrugged it all off. "just call me upstairs." She then continued on her way.

        She settled herself in her room. Took a shower, blow-dry her long wet hair and did some homework. She's now chatting one of her band mate, Axel, their drummer.

Axel: we have a gig Sums.

Summer: spill the details, drummy.

Axel: theres  a new club in town and surely you've heard it.

Summer: yeah but i don't know where it is. People in school saying it's pretty awesome and good.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now