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        Summer woke up. She stirred and looked up the alarm clock at the bedside table.

It's 8:13 already. She shot out from the bed. Nearly collapsing. Her head buzzed from her sudden movements so she sat back down. Rubbing her head by her palm while closing her eyes. Her head slowly cleared again she just remembered that they don't have a class today. Because all the teachers and staff would be attending a conference meeting at the other city. So today's a free day. Her mood lightened. She looked around, standing up. It just dawned on her that she's in Skyler's house, in his bedroom again. She reached her phone beside the alarm clock. The room's having a dim light. The sun's raises are sneaking through the folds. She don't want to pull it up because she's not really fond of the sun. She stalked to the bathroom. Washed her face and gurgled a water to refreshen her breath.

        She wiped her face by a clean towel that had been neatly folded beside the sink. She looked herself at the mirror and found her hair is like a bird's nest. She finger-combed it. After that, she got out continuously to the living room.

        She knew Skyler made breakfast and he's at the kitchen. She stalked there and hope he'd invite her to eat with him. She really is starving.

        "good morning, have breakfast with me." Skyler greeted her. Placing a bowl of rice at the table.

        "sure!" She accepted abruptly.

         Summer sat herself across Skyler's seat. He just put down the ham and she loves ham. When Skyler took his seat she jumped at the food directly. Doesn't care whether its disgraceful or not.

        Skyler looked at her weirdly and amused.

        "you hungry?" He asked as he placed some food on his plate.

        "starving." She answered between chewing and gulping. "ham's my favorite." She added before taking another spoonful of food.

        "i see." He uttered. "so, what are you going to do? And also you should go home. You can't escape your problems forever."

        "i plan to apologize to my friends but i know it's not enough, especially for Flint." She frowned when she spoke her bestfriend's name.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now