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Summer's P.O.V.


        A week had passed. My father and i barely talked and see each other. Well, he leaves early to work and i leave late to school. In the evening, he sleeps early and i'll be home late.

        Regular classes started again. Last week's school festival had been so successful. As always. I'll gonna miss it when i'm done in this school. Well, it's my last year here.

        "hi Flint."

        "hi babe."

        We're entering the campus now.

        I can do whatever i want now. There's nothing to blackmail me again. That was so frustrating, stressing and tiring to force me to study when i can manage myself. There's still 3 months to go before the end of the school year.

        The bell rang and most students hurried up to their classes. Me and Flint have other things to do so we planned not to attend our classes this morning. We've gone up to our secret place in school. When we arrived, other friends of ours are already there.

        "hey Sums!"

        "morning Sums!"

        "the couple's here."

        Greeted our friends and we do this hand greeting, fist bumps and high-fives. There are three men, Flint's counted with them and we are only two girls. Me and Gianna.

        I left Flint's side and approached Gianna, sitting at a bench. I sit beside her. Flint's busy talking with our other boys.

        "where's your babysitter? How is he?" She whispered lowly that only us could hear our conversation. He means Skyler.

        "as usual, attending his classes."

        "won't he be looking for you if he found out you won't be attending your classes? You're classmates now and surely he'll know sooner that you're playing hookie again."

        "oh, there's nothing he could blackmail me for." I shrugged.

        "don't you like him?"

        I looked at her straightly in the eyes at her question.

        "yeah. I sorta like him but i'll never wanna tolerate him."

        "hey ladies!" Gianna and i both jumped in the sudden intrusion in our personal space. Gary smiled at us innocently, Bending down at our faces and we both glared at him. "okay, enough with the glaring." He stood up properly. "what are you talking about that you seemed so serious and secret?"

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now