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He stopped on his spot as he saw her. Infront of the sink. Their eyes meet through the mirror. She looked smaller, weaker. The shock on her face as she saw him is very on display. His heart suddenly leaped, his body pulsed. It only took him two steps to reach her and directly chained her in his arms from her back. Back-hugging her. Burrying his face at the crook of her neck. He sensed her body go stiffed. And it hadn't escaped his senses that her body pulsed loudly. Same as his. He smiled, though she can't see it because he's crouching in her neck.

"Skyler." Summer uttered. She haven't noticed that her body leaned in Skyler's touch on instinc. She really couldn't believe he's here with her, hugging her. She just hope Skyler won't hear or feel how her heart beat so fast now that she's panting though she's not doing anything. She's just standing there, leaning her body to Skyler. Feeling his warmth and scent. She really did remember his signature scent.

She lifted her hand from the sink to touch him, but then, as if on impulse, a memory appeared in her mind. A memory where she witnessed Skyler with another girl. Embracing each other, obvious happiness in their faces. At the West Garden in their school. Her hand stopped mere inches from touching his skin.

Anger and bitterness filled her now. "let go of me, Skyler." She wanted to rip his hand from her body but she doesn't have enough strength to do that.

He lifted his head from her neck and meet her eyes in the mirror. He can see that her expression changed from shock to something seething now. Her eyes now glaring at him.

"i missed you." He admitted. "i missed you so goddamn much." He said, full of longing and honesty. He kissed her cheek. He can't believe that the time has finally come for her to wake up and in his arms again.

She almost believe him if not only for the memory that kept nudging in her mind for her to remember that he already have someone in his life. That makes her angrier because of what he's doing with her. Is he getting back at her? Getting a revenge for playing the guys that truly have feelings for her? Did he know that she love him and taking advantage of that?

God, how she wished she knew the anwers. It would really hurt knowing that he's playing her games against her. It already hurts a lot now.

"i said, let go of me, Skyler." She forced her voice to be firm, to sound angry, but it broke at the last part. Struggling herself a little for him to really understand what she meant.

Skyler sighed. Hurt in her words. What d he do? He asked himself. He only want to feel her, that she's real infront of him and in his arms. He pulled his arms that's chaining her. Put them at his side. "why are you fighting me?" He asked, confused of her actions. Maybe because of what happened the last time they talked to each other. It was at a bar. He really don't want to be reminded of that.

Why are you hurting me? She wanted to ask him back. "please, stop it." She murmured. A headache building, she rubbed her temple with her unhurt hand.

"let's get you back to your bed." He said, holding her arms to support her. "you're still weak."

"stop it! Stop all of it!" She'd no control of her feelings anymore. She fought to have her arms free of him. "Just, please." She sounded like begging. "get out, Skyler. I don't want to see you again." She's still talking to him by the reflection of the mirror. She don't want to turn around. It would only make things hard for her. That the real appearance of Skyler in her back will never be hers.

THE BAD GIRL [COMPLETED] under major editingWhere stories live. Discover now