Getting Ready

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"Hey Jamiah." Said Somer. "Hey Somer." Said Jamiah. Everyone will pretend that they forgot Jamiah's bday. "So today is a special day." Said Jamiah. "It is?" Asked Somer. "Yeah." "Ughh Jamiah, Wednesday is not a special day. It's a normal one." "Oh. Yeah. Ok." Jamiah put her head down. *I can't believe she forgot my bday* thought Jamiah. "Well I better get to class." Said Somer. "Yeah. Me too." Said Jamiah sounding sad. They both went to class. It was like that for the whole day. "Wow. So not only Somer, but everyone forgot my bday." Said Jamiah. Jackie went to Jamiah's house. "Hey Jamiah." She said. "Hey." Said Jamiah sounding sad. I want to go to this party so get dressed nicely." Said Jackie. They both went to Jamiah's closet. Jackie picked out an outfit for Jamiah. She choose a long, sparkling, short sleeve, blue dress that stopped at Jamiah's feet. Jackie wore a green, no sleeve, medium dress that stopped at her knees. Then Jamiah's mom drove them to Fun station.

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