It's all good:Part 2

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Thank you all for commenting on the last chapter. The winner is......CORY!!! So keep reading and voting on my book.

"I...I think I like you too." Said Jackie. "You do?" Asked Cory. "Yeah. I always have, to be honest." Said Jackie. "What about Jordan. I thought you liked him." Said Cory. "I mean I DID before but, I just met him. It would be kind of weird." Said Jackie. "What would you tell him then?" "I guess I will have to break up with him." "Ok but don't do it because of me." Said Cory. "I won't. It's because I want to be with you." Said Jackie. They hugged each other. "I love..." "Shhhh. Let's not use those words yet." Said Jackie. "Ok." Said Cory. "I better go find Somer and Jamiah and say sorry to them." Said Jackie. "Ok. I'll text you later." Said Cory. "Ok. Bye." Said Jackie. "Bye." After Jackie left, she decided to text Jordan.

Jackie:hey Jordan can we talk
Jordan:ya sure
Jackie:I think we should stay friends
Jordan:what why
Jackie:I like u Jordan but we just met and I wanna get to know u first
Jordan:oh ok
Jackie:and plus there is someone else that I rlly like
Jordan:oh ok i understand
Jackie:im srry but we can still be friends
Jordan:ok I like tht

Somer and Jamiah were together at Somer's house watching t.v. They heard someone knocking on the door. "Somebody is at the door. I need a bat." Said Jamiah. "Why do you need a bat?" Asked Somer. "Just in case." Said Jamiah. "Wow." Somer started laughing. Jamiah opened the door. "Oh. Hey Jackie." She said. "Jackie?!" Said Somer. "Hey guys." Said Jackie. "Look we are soooo sorry." Said Somer. "Yeah. We were just trying to help." Said Jamiah. "I know, and I appreciate that. I'm sorry for getting mad." Said Jackie. "It's ok." Said Somer and Jackie. "So all is forgiven?" Asked Somer. "Yeah." Said Jackie. They all hugged each other. "I'm so happy we are all besties again." Said Jamiah. "We were always besties. We just had an argument." Said Jackie. "Yeah." Said Somer.

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