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(Just a warning: this is going to be a long chapter)

Troy: You wanna hang out today
Jamiah:Sure who's coming
Troy:Well, I was thinking it could just be the two of us
Jamiah:oh ok
Troy:What time should I get you
Jamiah:Anytime rlly
Troy:Ok im on my way

"Hey Jackie, I'm going to hang with Jamiah." Said Troy. "Ok." Said Jackie. He walked out the door and went to Jamiah's house. When he got there, he rang the door bell and saw Jamiah in a cute top and some nice jeans with Nike shoes. "Nice outfit." He said. "Thanks." She said back. "So where are we going?" Asked Jamiah. "To the movies. What movie do you wanna see?" Asked Troy. "Hmmmm how about X-Men: Apocalypse." Said Jamiah. "Cool! I love superheroes." Said Troy. "Me too." Said Jamiah. They went to the movies together. They ordered a large popcorn to share and a large coke to share. The movie was starting. Jamiah and Troy took a picture together and she posted it on snapchat and instagram. "Who's your favorite superhero?" Asked Jamiah. "Hmmm...probably Raven." Said Troy. "Me too." Said Jamiah. They both put their hand in the popcorn and touched each other's hand. He grabbed her hand and stared at her. She stared back. They started getting closer and closer to each other's faces. Then they kissed for what seemed like forever. After they finished, they both started blushing and continued to watch the movie. After the movie was done he walked her home. "Jamiah before you go in, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" She kissed him again. Her arms were around his head and his arms were around her waist. Then Jamiah realized that they were still in public. "I'll see you later babe." Said Jamiah. "Ok. Bye." Said Troy. Jamiah went inside. "She said yesssssss!" Said Troy. He was so happy that he sang his way all the way home.

Jackie:Hey I haven't talked 2 u in forever
Xavier:Ikr I miss u
Jackie:I miss u 2
Xavier:Good news
Xavier:My dad quit his job and moving back here
Jackie:Yyyaaayyy😄I mean I'm srry 4 ur dad
Xavier:its ok im kinda happy about it 😂
Jackie:u r
Xavier:ya im moving bck and...I get 2 c u again
Jackie:so when r u coming bck
Xavier:either tmw or late tonight
Jackie:oh ok
Xavier:hey I'll still c u
Jackie:ya i guess I just want to c u earlier
Xavier:if i was with u, I would give u a big old hug
Xavier:np listen i gtg i'll ttyl
Jackie:ok byeee🤗
Xavier:bye😚...🤗* and I promise, you will be the first person I come to when I get there
Jackie:ok thx
Xavier:luv u
Xavier:like as a friend or bff
Jackie:oh...then luv u too

Somer and Angel was at Somer's house. They were on the couch and they were very bored. "Angeeeeeeeel." Said Somer. "Yeeeeeeees." Said Angel. "What do you want to do?" Asked Somer. "I don't know." Said Angel. Then they got a text from the group chat.

Jamiah:guess who has a bf and guess who had a kiss with him
Jackie:Mr. And Mrs. Clause😂

"Ooooo. This looks interesting." Said Somer. "Yeah." Said Angel.

Jamiah:Hahaha very funny but no
Liyah:U and Troy took dating?!?!
Somer:The rumors r tru
Keyshan:When did this happen
Jamiah:when we went to the movies
Mario:what movie did you see
Angel:what movie did you see
Jamiah:X-Men: The Apocalypse
Andrew:😂Lucky I wanna see tht movie

"Ooooooooo what's up with Mario?" Asked Somer. "Who knows?" Said Angel. "Let's go to Jackie's house and see what's up with her." Said Somer. "What about Liyah." Said Angel. "Keyshan said he wants to take Liyah somewhere. It's obvious has a crush on her." Said Somer. "Yep. Let's go." Said Angel. "Or..." "Or what?" Asked Somer. "We can do what we do best and spy on them." Said Angel. "Hmmmm. Not today, mabey we can help him know what to say." Said Somer. "Smart. Ok let's do it." Said Angel. Angel had to wear some of Somer's clothes. They both dressed in black outfits to be hidden.

"Keyshan, where are you taking me?" Asked Liyah. "Somewhere." Said Keyshan. Liyah had a blindfold on her eyes so she couldn't see. It was the perfect way for Keyshan to hold her hand. Somer and Angel were following them in secret. Keyshan saw them. "Wait. Stay right here i'll be right back." Said Keyshan. "Ok." Said Liyah. He went to Somer and Angel. "I'm waiting..." He said. "OK OK! WE want to help you." Said Angel. Somer elbowed Angel. "What?" Asked Angel. "Is this true?" Asked Keyshan. "Yes." Said Somer.  "Thanks but I got this." Said Keyshan. "You don't know anything about girls or Liyah. We got this ear peice for you to hear us." Said Angel. She gave it to him. "Ok you have a point. I'll let you help me." Said Keyshan. "We wasn't asking." Said Somer. Keyshan ran back to Liyah. "Ok so come on." Said Keyshan. He held her hand again and led her to her favorite restaurant. He took off her blindfold and....

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