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After the girls finished unpacking, they all met up at a karaoke club. Liyah was first. The song she sang was a two person song so she chose Jamiah to sing with her. They sang "Side to Side" by Ariana Grande and Nikki Manaj. Liyah did the singing and Jamiah did the rapping. After they were done it was Angel's turn. She sang "We don't talk anymore" by Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez. She chose Somer to sing with her. Somer did Selena's part and Angel did Charlie's part. Jamiah noticed that Jackie was looking very happy and day dreaming. "So day dreamer, what's up?" Asked Jamiah. "Hugh?" Asked Jackie. Jamiah gave her a look. Liyah came over to see what they were talking about. "Are you guys talking that kiss?" Asked Liyah. "KISS?! WHAT KISS?!" Asked Jamiah.
"How do you know about the kiss?" Asked Jackie. "Ummm...when I came into your room, it looked like yall were doing something. It was obvious you were kissing." Said Liyah. "So...confused." Said Jamiah. "You didn't tell her?" Asked Liyah. "Me and Cory kissed. Well, he kissed me." Said Jackie. "EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!" Yelled Jamiah. "YOUR FIRST KISS AHHHHH!" Jackie blushed. "Shut up." She said. "That was your first kiss?! Wow." Said Liyah. "It's not like you have ever been kissed before so you shouldn't be talking." Said Jamiah. "BURNNN!" YELLED Jackie. "Yeah, are you and Mario?" Asked Liyah. "Ohhh we are fineee." Said Jamiah. She started doing funny dance moves. " did the naught with him didn't you?" Said Liyah. "What? No!" Said Jamiah. "What is wrong with you?" Asked Jackie. "Well... we did something less than tht." Said Jamiah. "What did you do?" They both asked. "Well we sorta made out." Said Jamiah. She started blushing. "Ooooooo." They both said. "Will you tell the girls?" Asked Liyah. "Yeah but, not right now...mabey later." Said Jackie and Jamiah. "Ok." Said Liyah. Then everyone else had their turn to sing.

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