Finding Mr. Right

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When Angel got to lunch she was surprised at what she saw. She saw Jamiah, Jackie, Somer, and Liyah at a table with a line of guys in front of them. Angel walked up to them in confusion. "What is going on here?!" Asked Angel. "We are finding you a Mr. Right." Said Jamiah. "It was Jamiah's idea." Said Liyah. Angel got mad at Jamiah. "Oh please don't be mad at me." Said Jamiah. She gave Angel a sad/cute face. "Ughhh. You are always doing stuff like this....and I LOVE YOU FOR IT!" Said Angel. She hugged Jamiah and sat in the seat next to Liyah. The first boy came up. "Name." Said Jamiah. "Josh." Said the boy. "Why do you think you can date Angel?" Asked Liyah. "ANGEL?! I thought this was for Jamiah." Said Josh. Jamiah blushed. "I already have a boyfriend...sorry." She said. "That's cool. But when yall break up, you know who to come to." Said Josh. Then he walked away. Angel stared at Jamiah. "Why are you a guy magnet?" She asked. "I'm not a guy magnet." Said Jamiah. Liyah, Somer, and Jackie started laughing. "NEXT!" Somer yelled.

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