Forget about it

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"By who?" Asked Jackie. "This guy named Jarvis." "What is he doing?" Asked Angel. "He keeps spreading fake rumors about me and calling me names and threatening to fight me if I don't do something for him." "Once I find this Jarvis im going to beat HIM up." Said Liyah. "Why didn't you tell us?" Asked Somer. "I was scared that you guys might...make it worse." Said Jamiah. "Make it worse? How?" Asked Angel. "I don't know." Said Jamiah. They all hugged her. "Let's just relax for today and forget about this, then tomorrow we can deal with this." Said Keyshan. "Ok." Said Jamiah. She got her skates and started skating with everyone. The song Side to Side came on. Everyone was dancing and having a good time. A few hours later, they went to their next place. They went to the highest hill in their town and went sledding and snowboarding. They had races too. It was really fun. Some of them even made new friends while snowboarding. They left afyer a while because it was starting to get REALLY cold. Next was their chill spot. It was in the middle of the forest, a secret door that lead to a nice medow that had a small pond next to it, and since it was snowing it would look twice as better and the pond would be frozen so they could skate on it. Jackie, Jamiah and Somer found it and told the rest of the squad about it. They decided to  make it their chill spot where they could do whatever they want. They haven't been there in a while. "Omg. I forgot how beautiful this place is." Said Liyah. "Not as beautiful as you." Said Keyshan in a whisper. They all went all over the place. Some went on the frozen water and took off their shoes and slid on it, others walked through the forest to talk, and others just sat on the bench and talked. Liyah walked through the forest with Keyshan, it was his idea to do it. He wanted to spend some time with her alone. Somer wanted to spy on them. Liyah and Keyshan left. Somer was about to follow them but someone caught her. "Don't you dare try to spy on them." Said Angel. "Without me." Somer and Angel started to follow them. "Keyshan, why did you want to walk around?" Asked Liyah. "You know so, we can get" Said Keyshan. "Mmhmm." Said Liyah. "Liyah." "Yeah." "I have to tell you something." "O...k..." "Oh no, he's going to say his feeling for her and she's going to turn him down." Said Somer. "We have to stop this." Said Angel.


Ok man. This is it. You can do it. Just tell her already. "Liyah I..." "JUST GOT BUSTED!" Yelled Angel. They followed us?! I can't believe they followed us. This is so embarrassing. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Oh you know, just doing a little spying." Said Somer. I was so mad at them but it was also a little funny. Then a laugh came out of me. Everyone started laughing. I guess it was pretty funny.

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