Getting ready

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After a 5 day torture, it was finally the weekend. "Eeeeeeekkkk!" Screamed Somer. "This is the month I finally get my motorcycle. My dad will have to teach me of course, but still. I'm soooo excited!" Said Somer. She was in her room. "I should really start my Christmas wish list." She had a really long list. Besides a motorcycle, she also wanted a leather jacket and some other stuff. She was a REAL tomboy. Jamiah called Somer. "Hey girl." Said Jamiah. "Hey." Said Somer. "Wait, I don't even need to ask you what you want cause I already know." Said Jamiah. "Yep." Said Somer. "Motorcycle!" They both said. They both started laughing. "Ok. Well hey I got to go. Bye." Said Jamiah. "Bye." Said Somer.


Jackie was still asleep. It was 7:28. Jackie woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. Jamiah was calling her. "Hey girl." Said Jackie. "Hey boo. Sorry if I woke you up." Said Jamiah. "No, you didnt." Said Jackie. "Ok good." Said Jamiah. "So Jackie, what do you want for Christmas?" Asked Jamiah. "Oh you know: unicorn onsie, a camera, American Eagle stuff, I've Line of clothes...MONEY!" Said Jackie. "OMG Jackie, really? Money?" Said Jamiah. "Yeah. You asked." Said Jackie. Jamiah laughed. "Ok thanks." Said Jamiah. Then she hung up.


"So what do I want for Christmas?" He asked himself. I'll think about it. Jamiah started calling him. "Hey babe." Said Mario. "Hey. What do you want for Christmas?" She asked. "I don't know yet." He said. "Ok." She said. "What do YOU want for Christmas?" Asked Mario. "Hmmm...stuff like designer books and other creative stuff. Other than that I don't really know." Said Jamiah. "Cool. I know you like being creative. That's one of the things I love about you." Said Mario. Jamiah started blushing. *I'm so glad he can't see me right now* Thought Jamiah. "Thanks. Hey I got to go. I'll talk to you later. Love you." Said Jamiah. "Ok. Love you too." Said Mario.


"O.M.G. I have a whole lot of shopping to do for my friends, and that's not even all my friends. I have to get something for Angel, Liyah, Andrew, and Keyshan. Ughhh. This is going to be a looooong Christmas.

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