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The next day, when everyone was at school, all the girls were talking non-stop about the new boy. "Yeah, I heard he is the cutest boy at our school now." Said a girl named Alyssa. "I know right but I also heard he has a girlfriend." Said another girl named Taylor. "Who?" Asked Alyssa. "No one knows. They just heard it." Said Taylor. Then Troy came into the hallway. All the girls were staring at him, but he went to Jamiah's locker first. She wasn't even paying attention to him. "Hey Jamiah." He said. "Oh! Hey Troy." Said Jamiah. All the girls hung their mouths open. "That's his girlfriend?" Asked a girl named Elizabeth. "What's your first class?" Asked Troy. "Ms. Harley for Social Studies." Said Jamiah. "Hey me too!" Said Troy. "Cool." Said Jamiah. The bell rang and everyone had to get to class. When Troy and Jamiah walked into the classroom, everyone was staring at them. "Who's that guy with Jamiah?" Asked Mario. "That's my cousin, Troy." Said Jackie. "Are they dating?" Asked Mario. "No I don't think so." Said Somer. "Ok good." Said Mario. "Why is that good?" Asked  Keyshan. "I don't know." Said Mario. "Mmhmm." Said Liyah. Jamiah and Troy took their seats and sat next to each other. (After class) Three girls walked up to Jamiah at her locker. "Hey Jamiah." Said Faith.

Faith: Most popular girl at the school, no one would dare stand up to her, always gets her way

Brianna: Faith's main sidekick, does whatever Faith tells her to do, second most popular

Tamiya: Faith's other sidekick, repeats everything Faith says, third most popular

"What do you want Faith?" Asked Jamiah. "To talk to you. Follow us." Said Faith. "Yeah, Follow us." Said Tamiya. Jamiah followed them to the girls bathroom. Liyah saw what was going on and she didn't trust those girls. When they got to the bathroom, the girls had her cornered against a wall. "Why do you wanna talk to me?" Asked Jamiah. "I hear you and pretty boy are dating." Said Faith. "Yeah, you and pretty boy." Repeated Tamiya. "First of all, we're not, second of all, what's it to you?" Asked Jamiah. "Well obviously he's going to be the most popular guy at this school so the most popular guy has to be with the most popular girl." Said Faith. "And that's Faith." Said Brianna. "Yeah, that's Faith." Repeated Tamiya. They started to punch her in the stomach and slap her. Liyah saw the whole thing. She decided to step in and try to break up the fight. "Hey HEY HEYYY!" Yelled Liyah. "What is your problem? Can't you see we're in the middle of something?" Asked Faith. "Yeah, middle of something." Repeated Tamiya. "T! Shut it!" Yelled Faith. "Leave her alone." Said Liyah. She grabbed Jamiah's arm and dragged her out the bathroom. She saw she had a black eye and bruises. "Omg Jamiah, they really got you didn't they?" Asked Liyah. Jamiah started crying. "Why do bad things happen to me?" Asked Jamiah. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Said Liyah.

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