Keyshan and Jamiah

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Jamiah was at her locker getting her stuff for 3rd period, math. Jamiah closed her locker to see Keyshan standing behind it. Jamiah jumped. "Did I scare you?" Asked Keyshan. "Whatever you know you did." Said Jamiah. Keyshan started laughing. Jamiah punched him in his arm playfully. "What is it I got to go or else I'll be late." Said Jamiah. "Never mind. Meet me at lunch. I'll talk to you there." Said Keyshan. "Ok." Said Jamiah. She kissed his cheek and left for class. (After class and at lunch) "Hey guys have you seen Keyshan?" Asked Jamiah. Everyone said no. All of a sudden romantic music started to come on. The vice principal had a basket with flower petals in it. There was a red carpet leading to the stage. She walked down it while throwing down the petals. Jamiah stood up and walked on the red carpet while guys were giving her roses and balloons. Keyshan came from behind the curtains on stage. He grabbed the microphone. "Jamiah, will you go to prom with me?" He asked on the microphone. "YES!" Yelled Jamiah. Everyone started clapping and cheering for them. They kissed. They held hands and walked back to their table together. Angel and Jackie was crying. "OMG you guys are babies." Said Liyah. "It's just so beautiful." Said Jackie. "Liyah is right you know." Said Somer. "No Jackie is." Said Angel. "Nice job man." Said Xavier. "Yeah." Agreed Andrew. "Thanks. I've been planning that for a few weeks." Said Keyshan. "Liyah, your just jelous that she got a man and you don't." Said Angel. "Neither do you." Said Liyah. "Don't worry boo I'll get you someone." Said Jamiah.

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