The park: part 3

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"HEY!" Said Somer. "KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM HER!" Yelled Jackie. "Or else what?" Asked Venessa. Somer and Jackie ran up to Venessa and started punching and kicking and biting her. She tried to fight back but she couldn't. Just then, Angel was having some drama and she needed fresh air so she decided to take a walk in the park. Luckily, she heard the screaming. She went over to where Jackie and Somer was hiding. She started watching what was going on. "STOP!" She yelled. Everyone freezed. They all started to stare at Angel. "What is going on?" She asked. "If you don't mind little girl, we are kind of in a little um...disagreement. So go away and leave us alone." Said Venessa. "Little girl...go away...leave you alone?!" Yelled Angel. "Oh nahh." Angel grabbed Venessa's arm and dragged her to the pole where all the kids can slide down. Angel grabbed her head and banged it against the pole. It knocked Venessa out. Everyone ran up to Angel and hugged her. "Thank you Angel." Said Jamiah. "Oh no problem. No one ever hurts my friends....or call me a little girl." Said Angel. Somer went up to Venessa and kneeled down to where Venessa was laying. "So what do we do about miss crazy and annoying?" She asked. "Hmmm. Let's take her to her house. She will wake up tomorrow. She will be ok." Said Jackie. Jamiah looked at where Venessa's bruise was. Well that's gonna leave a mark in the morning." Said Jamiah. Somer carried Venessa's arms and Jackie carried her legs. They dragged her to the front of her door and layed her there. "What a crazy day hugh." Said Angel. Everyone nodded their heads. "Well, time for me to hit the hay and go." Said Somer. "Yeah me too." Said Jamiah. They all went back home and started to sleep.

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