First date

18 2 0

Jackie:hey zay
Xavier:hey Jackie
Xavier:talking to a beautiful girl and wondering if she wants to go on a date with me
Jackie:sure when at 6
Jackie:sure c u then xoxo💝
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!" Yelled Jamiah. "YOU HAVE YOU FIRST DATE WITH XAVIER!" Jackie started to blush. "We have to go shopping." They went to the mall. Jamiah bought her a dress and make up. Jamiah did Jackie's make up. She put red lipstick on Jackie, red eye shadow, and some blush. "You look beautiful." Said Jamiah. "Thanks." Said Jackie. Jackie put on a red dress. Jamiah was in shock. "Wow. I am really good." Said Jamiah. They both started laughing. "Now go out there and GET...YOUR...MAN!" Said Jamiah. Xavier came to Jackie's house. When Jackie openedthe door. His mouth opened wide and he was speechless. "Wow. You" Said Xavier. "I know, i'm good I'll let you two be." Said Jamiah. Then she left. "You ready to go?" Asked Xavier. Jackie nodded her head. They went to a new restaurant. They oredered their
food. Jackie got Spegitti with meatballs and a sprite. Xavier got chicken tenders and pepsi. After dinner he dropped Jackie back home. She kissed him before she left.

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