Squad's hangout/Christmas Eve

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Christmas was tomorrow and the group wanted to do something with each other for Christmas Eve.
(Group chat)

Liyah:hey guys let's go c a movie
Keyshawn:Good idea
Andrew:ya wht movie
Liyah:all my friends wanna c "Trolls"
Somer:oh ya me too
Jamiah:ok what time should we c it
Troy: im good in about an hour
Liyah:ok so in an hour
Cory:ya ok
Jawan:ok let's do it
Zay:c u guys then

(An hour later)

They all arrived at the movies. Troy bought tickets for him and Jamiah, even though Jamiah didn't want him too but he insisted. Everyone got popcorn, drinks, and snacks. They got into the movies and took their seats. The order was: Andrew, Keyshan, Liyah, Angel, Somer, Cory, Jackie, Zay, Mario, Jamiah, and Troy. Cory, Jawan, and Zay was fighting to sit next to Jackie. Troy put his arm around Jamiah and she leaned on him while they shared their popcorn. Zay kept looking at Jackie through the whole movie, except for when she looked at him then she looked away. "I think Zay likes Jackie." Whispered Somer to Angel. "Me too." Whispered Angel. "Awwww this part is so sad." Whispered Jamiah. "It's ok babe, I got you." Said Troy. "Do you like her?" Whispered Mario to Zay. "Who?" Whispered Zay back to Mario. "You know who." Zay didn't say anything. "Ah ha. So you do!" "Sooo? What about you and Jamiah? You don't miss her at all?" Asked Zay. Mario didn't say anything. "Exactly." Whispered Zay. "I heard my name over hear." Whispered Jamiah. "It's nothing." Whispered Mario. Zay started laughing. "What's so funny?" Whispered Jamiah. "Nothing." Whispered Zay. "Mmhmm." Whispered Jamiah. "Yeah you totally DON'T miss her." Whispered Zay. "Shut up." Whispered Mario. They continued to watch the movie untill the end. After the movie, Angel suggested that they all have a sleepover together. "Ok but where?" Asked Jackie. "How about my house." Said Somer. "Ok." They all said. They all went to their houses to get their stuff and sleeping bags. Then they went to Somer's house. They all went to Somer's room and started talking and playing games. "Let's play truth or dare...BAD version." Said Jamiah. "Ooooooooooo!" They all said. So they did.

"Truth or dare Liyah." Said Jackie. "Truth." Said Liyah. "Is it true that you like someone in this room more than a friend?" "Yes." "Who?" Liyah looked at Keyshan. "Not saying." "Truth or dare Jamiah?" Asked Liyah. "Dare." Said Jamiah. "Ok so Troy don't be mad but Jamiah, I dare you to kiss Mario like how you used to." Said Liyah. All three of them hung their mouths open. "WHAT?!" All three of them said together. "It's a dare." Said Liyah. Everyone started busting out laughing except for them three. Jamiah looked at Troy to see if he was ok. "Jamiah..." He said. "Troy..." She said. "I'm allowing you to do this but only because it's a dare." Said Troy. She looked at Mario. "Are you ok with this?" She asked him. "Sure." He said. They scooted closer to each other. They looked at Liyah. "Do we have to?" Asked Jamiah. "YES." Said Somer. "Sorry." They looked back at each other. "Just like you used to." Said Liyah. Both of their faces turned bright red. "Can yall get this over with." Said Andrew. Keyshan pushed Mario into Jamiah. They started kissing. They were surprised at first but then they gave into it and they started kissing each other like they used to. "You guys can stop now." Said Liyah. But they kept going. "Guys?" Asked Jawan. Troy coughed and Jamiah realized what she was still doing then she stopped the kiss. Everyone started laughing. They both started blushing, A LOT. "Ok missy, since your laughing, truth or dare." Said Jamiah to Jackie. "Dare." Said Jackie. Jamiah had an evil look on her face. "I dare you to kiss either Cory, Zay, or Jawan." Said Jamiah. Everyone gasped. "What's up with you girls and kissing?" Said Keyshawn. "Of your choice." Said Jamiah. Who should Jackie kiss??? Comment down below who you think: Jawan, Cory, or Zay.

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