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"So Jackie, who will it be?" Asked Jamiah. "Why did you have to put me in this position?" Asked Jackie. Choose your mate, or I can do it for you." Said Jamiah. "Yeah I can't choose." Said Jackie. Jamiah, Somer, Angel, Liyah, Mario, Keyshan, and Andrew gathered together in a circle. They talked for a few seconds to see who Jackie should kiss: Jawan, Cory, or Zay. They all agreed to one person. It was going to be...........................................

"Ok we have decided." Said Jamiah. "The lucky fellow is going to be...congrats to....give a hand for..." Said Somer. "JUST SAY IT!" Yelled Zay. "CORY!" Yelled Liyah. "WHAT?!" Yelled Cory. "Yeah." Said Mario. "She's like my sister though." Said Cory. "Exactly, so it wont be weird." Said Andrew. "Come on, it will be quick." Said Jamiah. "Mmhmm. Like you and Mario quick or another quick?" Asked Jackie. Most of the squad laughed except for Jamiah, Mario, and Troy. Troy just smiled and pretend that he thought it was funny. Mario and Jamiah started blushing but not in a good way. "Shut up." They both said at the same time. "Ooooo they said the same thing at the same time." Said Angel. Jamiah bumped her with her elbow. "Not...helping." Jamiah said. "Anyways back to this." Said Troy. "Yeah. So just do it." Said Somer. "Cory...are you ok with this?" Asked Jackie. "I am if you are." Said Cory. Cory leaned closer. Jackie leaned in too. They started to kiss. Then they stopped because it felt weird. "See, that was quick." Said Somer. "That's how yall were supposed to do it." She continued. "Ima bout to slap you." Said Jamiah. "Guys! It's 11:59! One more minute untill Christmas." Said. Keyshan. "Let's count down." Said Liyah. "Like how we do for New Years?" Asked Jawan. "Yeah." Said Zay. "Ok let's do it." Said Jackie.

59...58...57...56...55...54...53...52...51... 50...49...48...47...46...45...44...43...42...41 ...40..39...38...37...36...35...34...33...32... 31...30...29...28...27...26...25...24...23...22 ...21...20...19...18...17...16...15...14...13... 12...11...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 (you just spent a minute reading numbers)

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" They all yelled. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Yelled Jawan accidentally. They all laughed. "It's Christmas!" Said Troy. He grabbed Jamiah by the waist and kissed her. Mario just looked at them. Andrew tried to kiss Somer just for fun though. "Ah nope. Not tonight or any other night." Said Somer. They all started laughing. Keyshan kissed Liyah. Everyone was surprised. "Awwwww." They all said. Liyah pulled away and slapped him. "Ohhhhhhh." They all said again. Then she came back and kissed him again. "Awwwww." They said once again. Zay kissed Jackie on the cheek. He didn't want to move too fast. Jackie touched her cheek to where he kissed her. "Why did you do that?" She asked. "Sorry, I guess I got too happy and everyone else was kissing and....stuff." Said Zay.

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