Tagging Game again

62 5 18

* Full name- Vasantha Valli

*Current Crush- Forever and Always VARUN DHAWAN

*Addiction- Fashion

*How Tall Am I-  5'4

*Relationship Status- In reality I'm single, but in my mind I'm already committed to Varun Dhawan.

* Girls I trust - Akhila, Sharada and Kavya kavyamoolya

*Boys I trust - My three brothers.

Favorite Colours - PINK, Blue.

* Confession- Nothing to confess.

* Who I miss the most- My Big brother Sandeep, who's currently in Pennsylvania, pursuing his M.S.

*Who last I hugged- My second big brother Abhilash.

*Who understands me- Akhila, Sharada and my brothers.

*Someone who's always there for me- Akhila. Akhi615

*Last text - Akhila

*What pissed me off lately - A fight with my so called best friend. 😠😠😠😣😣🙅🙅

* Who makes me laugh the most- Akhila.😂😂

*Who do I do the craziest stuff with- Akhila. 😂😂

*Who makes me smile- Akhila, My both big brothers and now Nikhil Bhai. NikhilKommaraju

*What am I listening to- Currently, music.

*Best friends - Akhila, Sharada, Karishma, Kavya and Keerthi (crazy girls squad😂😂)

I won't tag anyone. This challenge is from my friend #Keerthi via Whatsapp 😂

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