Chapter 2

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Billy's POV:

"I can't belive it. You're here! I thought I'd never see you again," I said, smiling widely. Nobody could ever explain how happy I was to see her.

"Me too.." Kelli replied softly. I could see tears welling up in her eyes. Before I could ask if she was okay, she started to laugh and wrapped her arms around my shoulders once again.

"I missed you so much." she mumbled.

"I missed you too, kelli." I whispered to her. We let go and smiled at each other. Kelli laughed again as she wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get all emotional there," she said.

Just then we heard a voice from a distance. Someone was calling out for Kelli. I turned around to see that same blonde girl who passed me earlier.

"Hey, Kelli. I thought you were right behind me. What happened?" she said as she reached us.

"First of all, I wasn't right behind you. I was still struggling with these skates. Secondly, thanks to you I lost control and bumped into him," Kelli said as she gestured towards me when she mentioned my name.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, I didn't realise you were having trouble. I was having too much fun!"

"No no no. I really really mean thank you! If it weren't for these skates and my clumsiness I wouldn't have bumped into him."

"Hmm, must be someone really special.." the girl had this suspicious look on her face. I could tell she wasn't looking foward into getting to know me.

Kelli introduce me to her and in turn introduced her to me. She mentioned her name is Caroline, she was 16, a year older than Kelli. They met when Kelli first started joining a dance class a few months ago. When Caroline and I shook hands, she kept giving me that evil glare. Was it something that I said? I haven't even said two words to her. Looks like I'm gonna have to just get used to it.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I just want to ask, why didn't you call me to tell me that you're coming?" Kelli asked me curiously.

"I wanted to, I swear I did. I changed my phone so I pretty much lost all my contacts. I figured; maybe luck will be on my side and hopefully one day I'd have a chance to see you. And, well, here we are!"

"Well you're back and that's the only thing that matters." she smiled. I missed her smile. It was one of the only things that cheered me up while having to experience those rough days at school.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your little reunion here but Kelli and I have a dance class we need to go to in an hour so.. It was nice seeing you.. Have a good day." Caroline seemed like she was in a rush to leave.

She didn't really give Kelli and me a chance to say a proper goodbye. She just grabbed her arm and rolled off. As they were leaving I noticed Kelli mouthed a 'sorry' to me. All I could do was to smile and wave goodbye.

As I walked away, I couldn't help thinking of how happy I was. Now we can finally have a chance to catch up things. Whether she has changed her taste in food, music.. Who knows, maybe now she finally has that someone special in her mind.. I remember we had a conversation about that once. Back when we were about 11 maybe 12.. It happened during recess..


"Urgh, why can't our cafeteria food could at least look good?" Kelli complained as she was playing with a bunch of peas at the side of her tray.

"Yeah, if it did, I'm sure students would do much better concentrating in class than having to listen to their stomachs grumble all day." I joked. She laughed at my lame comments, as usual. I loved making her laugh. She has this unique laughter that's really adorable. We continued to force the food down our throats until I noticed a boy passed our table. It wasn't just any boy. It was him, Dean.

"Hey, Kelli. Dean's looking at you all funny again," I whispered to her. Everyone knows Dean likes Kelli, but he was too afraid to even say hi to her. Everytime he tried, he'll end up running to bathroom.

Kelli didn't really care about Dean's 'weird side', to be honest. So I decided to ask her, " Kelli, it's obvious Dean likes you. Why not talk to him? Maybe you might like him too.."

"I'm not going to like guys who likes me because of my face. I mean, Dean is not even in our class. How would he know what's my personality? He should at least have the decency to get to know me first," Kelli explained Listening to her speak is like listening to a 17 year-old teenager talking in a 12 year old girl's body.

"Besides, I don't think I'll like any boy anytime soon," Kelli said as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you don't like me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Of course I like you. You're my best friend. I meant liking a boy that way. The way even kids our age are not suppose to be talking about," Kelli said wisely.

"Well surely, not now. You mean you are planning to never like a boy like that ever?"


~End of Flashback~

I realised I've been daydreaming all the way home. My shoulder still hurts from that fall earlier so I decided to rest for a while.

I opened the door and went inside. I got myself a glass of water and made my own tuna sandwich as I was not that hungry. Then maybe later in the evening I should go for a little dirtbike riding with my old friends. If I see them there, of course. Trying to meet up with people is hard without their contacts. I regeretted not saving my data in my memory card..

Then I realised something.

I forgot to ask for her number.

Just friends? (Billy Unger/ Kelli Berglund fanfiction) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now