Chapter 7

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Kelli's POV:

It's already been a few months since we've started filming for the new show, Lab Rats. The scenes we filmed were hilarious and I totally can't wait for this first season to be premiered on disneyxd. My agent says it's most likely to air in the month of Febuary.

Christmas Eve is just around the corner and Billy and I wanted this year's to be really special. It's our first time celebrating it together. Which reminds me, what I haven't gotten any presents for anyone yet!

I decided to call Caroline for some help.

"Caroline? Major problem. Only this one is gonna get really festive," I said once she picked up the phone after the second ring.

"You know what that means?" I knew exactly what she meant.

"Shopping!" we both exclaimed at the same time.

With that, I put down the phone and got dressed. I put on a simple white tshirt  and skinney jeans. I put on my favourite brown jacket as well, together with a pair of pink high cuts.

I put on some makeup and headed downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going shopping with Caroline!" I called out to her as I headed towards the door.

"Alright! Be careful," she advised.

I quickly hailed a cab and eventually I arrived at the mall Caroline and I were planning to meet. I payed the driver and got out of the cab. I looked around and found a tall blonde girl wearing a black trench coat waving frantically at me. I quickly walked towards her and gestured a wave to let her know I noticed her.

"Cold day, isn't it?" Caroline said she hugged herself.

"Yeah, but it's not that cold till you need a trench coat," I said as a matter of fact.

"That's cause I'm not thick-skinned like you," she said sarcastically. We laughed and headed inside.

To be honest, I've never seen the mall this well-decorated before. There were cute little christmas trees at every corner, the ceilings we decorated with tinsel and fancy lights. The employees in the boutiques tried to be in the festive mood too. Although I wouldn't count wearing suits with a santa head as festive.

"Alright, so who are we shopping for?" Caroline asked. "Make sure you don't leave anyone out."

"Don't worry, I won't. I've even made a list," I said with a smile. You can never be too cautious.

We started looking at all stores. I wasn't old enough to get my parents anything yet, since my pay is not really that much. So I only bought gifts for my sister and some of my friends.

After a hours of shopping, Caroline decided to go to the restrooms. I took the opportunity to get the perfect gift for her. A pair of purple sneakers she'd always wanted. After paying I took the shoe box and stuffed into another one of the shopping bags that I was carrying. Just in the nick of time, Caroline came walking to me, pointing to her wrist.

Caroline couldn't stay long as she was under curfew. That happened because a few weeks ago, one of our friends was having a party but Caroline's parents wouldn't allow her to go. Being the stubborn girl she is, she went anyway. It wasn't pretty when her parents found out. She was grounded for a month and was under curfew for the rest of the year.

"Okay, okay. I'm already done. We can go now," I said as I cancelled off the last person of the list.

"Wait a minute," Caroline said as she peered onto my list. "You missed one, right there. Billy."

"Oh, urm.. I'm buying his gift online. I wanted him to get something special," I said hesitantly.

"Oh. Then why did you write his name then?" she asked suspiciously.

"I.. I wrote it here, because... I.. I didn't want to forget!" I managed to say.

She gave me a really suspicious look.

"What? I'm serious!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, okay! Don't need to be so defensive," she said as she surrended. My cheeks started to burn a little. Must be the cold. Yeah, it's definitely the cold.

After all that talking, we hailed a cab and headed home. The cab dropped off Caroline first as she lived nearer. Then the driver dropped me off. I payed the driver and walked towards the door. Caroline better pay me back half the price, that ride was expensive.

I placed all the shopping bags in my room and sat on my bed for a while. There's something that's been on my mind. Or.. someone? Ugh, I don't know. I just can't stop thinking about.. Billy. That's right. I finally admit it, he's been on my mind. Ever since I found out that we will be working together for this new show, I've been having these strange feelings when I'm around him.. I mean it's not like I'm having a crush on him or something.. He's my best friend!

Please! Having a crush on Billy? That's just ridiculous! He and I have discussed this and we knew it will never happen. I'm going to just push down all those weird feelings about Billy deep deep down into my stomach and never speak of them again.

All that thinking had made my head feel woozy. It was getting a little late but I decided to take a stroll around the park to clear my mind.

There was a river there which eventually lead to the lake where I used go when I was younger. In fact, I still go there sometimes. This was where I always go when I'm upset. There was a red bridge across the river. I would just stand at the side, looking down into the clear water. At night, the river would be shimmering under the moonlight. Beautiful.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, tilting my head up as I do. Then I heard a voice.

"You're not suppose to be here you know,"

I turned to my right and I saw Billy in a disntance, looking down into the river.

"Billy? I.. I didn't see you there. What do you mean I'm not suppose to be here?" I asked curiously.

"It's freezing out here. You're going to catch a cold," he said and started to walk closer to me.

"And I suppose you won't?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. I can't stay out here long either. So.. I was thinking we should go somewhere warmer," he said, as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Hmmm, race you to my place for some hot cocoa?" I challanged. Before I let him say anything, I gave myself a head start.

"Oh, it's on Kelli!" I heard him say from behind me.

I laughed and kept running. The park wasn't that far from home. Also, I have quite a strong stamina if I do say so myself. Not long after I noticed he was right beside me.

"Get ready to eat my dust Berglund!"

"In your dreams, Unger!" I laughed before sprinting all the way to the door.

"Ha! I win!" I celebrated my victory by doing a silly dance.

"Hey, I just made it easier for you. As much as I love winning, I can't bear myself to see a girl lose," Billy teased.

"Whatever you say Billy," I said sarcastically before opening the door.

"Mom! I'm home," I called out. No answer. I walked over to the fridge and noticed there was a note.


Went to your sis's dance recital. Be back soon.

Mom and Dad.

"Well, looks like it's just you and me," I said awkwardly. This was so not what I had planned.

Oooh, what's going to happen next?

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