Chapter 36

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Billy's POV:

I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I go after her? There was my chance to explain everything to her and I didn't take it. I didn't even got the chance to ask her who was that guy whose with her. It must be that Damon guy she's been talking about. I can see now why she would go out with him.

It's just that... There's just something weird about that guy. I don't trust him. While Kelli was talking to me earlier, he was busy smirking behind her back. When they left, he placed an arm around her shoulder, making me clench my fists with anger. As I was about to walk away, he managed to look over his shoulder and gave an evil smirk that made me fume even more.

That guy is hiding something.

And I'm going to find out what.


Kelli's POV:

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Damon," I said as we stopped infront of Damon's car.

"Hey, it's alright. You don't have to apologise," he replied.

"I just don't understand why am I so upset," I said as to began to run my temples with my fingers.

"Hey, you're over thinking this. Come on, I'll get to something to drink," Damon said, opening the door to the passenger seat.

I nodded and mouthed a thanks. I guess he's right. Maybe I was over thinking. I mean, it's not like Billy was my boyfriend or anything, so why should I be upset?

I decided to remove all those negative thoughts and focus on more important things. I kept silent throughout the journey. Damon didn't mention where he was taking me, so I guess it would be somewhere special. I looked up to see him smiling to himself as his eyes were still focused on the road.

"Why are you so happy?" I couldn't help but smile along.

"Oh.. It's nothing.. I was just thinking how lucky I am to have met you."

I could feel my cheeks burning a little. No one had  ever said that to me before.

We stayed silent for the rest of the way. It wasn't those awkward silences. It was the kind you can easily be comfortable with.


"Alright Kelli we're here," I hear Damon say. I realised I had been daydreaming. I removed my gaze from the window. I unbuckled my seatbelt and made my way out of the car.

I looked around and took in everything that I saw. I squinted my eyes as the first thing I had set them on were neon lights. And trust me when I say this; they were all over the building.

The parking lot was quite packed. I didn't know whether the fact that there were a lot people there should make me feel safe of more scared.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously. A part of me really didn't want to hear the answer.

"Well to be honest, there's no name for this joint. I was just driving around looking for some cool place to hang out and well, I found this place," Damon began to explain.

Just as he finished, I felt a chill running down my spine.

Someone was watching us.

I looked around and there he was. He behind a car, quite a distant from us. It was really dark. The only light source there was were some lamp posts and the neon lights scattered round the building. Those were still not enough to identify our stalker.

"Is.. is it a club or something?" I said nervously, trying to ignore those extra pair of eyes drilling onto us.

Speaking of clubs, I wasn't sure whether I should go in.. I've been to a lot parties, sure.. But I've never gone to clubs before. Clubbing was just not my thing.

"Yeah. I know you're a little nervous but trust me it'll be fun. Besides, it's not the kind of club where you'll find drunk people everywhere.  It's just a decent bar with mature adults dancing and playing pool."

"Well, I guess that's okay," I said a little hesitantly.

Damon then took my hand and asked, "You trust me, don't you?"

Suddenly, my mom's words started to replay in my head. I hesitated for a while. Then the incident that happened earlier today popped into my head and I had made up my desicion.

"Yes, I do trust you," I replied, giving him a more confident smile.

He smiled even wider before saying, " Great! Come on," and pulled me into the building. I took one last look at the car where the mystery guy was and to my surprise, he was gone.


I was right about the place being crowded. However Damon was right too. Most of the people there were in the mid 30s to late 40s. They were just here probably just to chill out and have a good time I guess. Don't get me wrong, there were still young people. Most of them were busily playing pool, some were just chatting in their various cubicles.

I adjusted my pastel blue dress and the curls of my hair. Damon, with his hand still holding mine, brought me to the bar, where we found a really cute bartender wiping a wine glass.

"Hey Keith, the usual, but make that two," Damon called out to him.

"No problemo Damon," the guy replied, setting down the glass.

"Urm, Damon.. I don't drink," I said quickly, before Keith could to do anything.

"It's okay, I don't either. I just ordered us a strawberry sparkle. It's actually just soda water with freshly chopped strawberries and some sugar syrup. You'll love it, promise."

I smiled and at the same time heaved sigh of relief. Just when things were going well, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good," Damon asked, obviously noticing the pained expression on my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I just need to go to the bathroom. Where is it?" I asked, olding my stomach firmly.

"Just go straight there and turn right."



"Oh I feel so much better."

I washed my hands thoroughly and wiped them with a paper towel. I looked in the mirror and decided to give my cheeks and lips a little touch up. Once I was satisfied, I adjusted my dress once more and made my way back.

"Hey, sorry if I took too long," I said once I sat back at my seat next to Damon.

"No, it's fine. In fact, you're just in time. Here," he passed me a tall glass, filled with almost pink sparkly water. It had small pieces of strawberry floating at the top. I mouthed a thanks and took a sip of the drink.

The sense of the tingling soda lured in my mouth. The strawberries made the drink a little sour but the sugar syrup managed to even the taste.

"Damon, I love this!" I exclaimed, ready to take another sip.

"Glad you like it," Damon said shyly but proudly.

The rest of the evening was fun. I simply forgot about everything that had happened earlier and just enjoyed myself. I met some of Damon's friends there too. Some were the 'seniors' of the place and they were super friendly. The girls there were really sweet too, giving me compliments almost every 5 minutes.

As we were talking, I felt a little light-headed. I placed my palm towards the side of my forehead. I got dizzy and my vision became a little blurry.

"Kelli? Kelli what's wrong?" I hear voices. They sound Damon's and some of his friends too.

"Damon, I.. I don't feel so good.." I managed to say.

And before I even knew it..

I passed out.

Just friends? (Billy Unger/ Kelli Berglund fanfiction) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now