Chapter 20

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Kelli's POV:

It's been days since that last traumatic news. I got a call from Katherine saying that they have found our 'other half' and that we were suppose to meet them later today. Apparently our agents leaked out to the press that we were having a special blind date. The sooner they found out that Billy and I aren't together, the sooner they'll leave us alone. After a nice, long shower, I got into a blue tank top and a pink plaid shirt and left it unbuttoned. I hot into my pink high cuts and headed downstairs.

"Hey, Kirra," I said in a dragged tone.

"Hey Kelli! Why the long face?" Kirra asked as she stopped munching away her eggs and bacon.

"Billy and I kind of broke up," I said frankly. There was no need for a whole movie-long explanation.

"Now I have to meet my 'true love' later at the mall."

"Oh the fake boyfriend move, huh? I've seen it a bunch of times."

"Really? When? How would you know anyway? Fake couples are meant to be kept secret, right?" I made my way towards Kirra and sat next to her on the dining table.

"Well, yeah. But honestly, 60% of successful celebrity couples actually come from fake relationships. After being matched up, they always find themselves in love," Kirra explained with her mouth full. Even so, I managed to understand whatever she was trying to say.

She swallowed her food and continued.

"Which leads to my next point. Some of these couples even got married! When they got interviewed on talk shows about their marriage, they confessed that they never actually met in love at first sight, that it was all fake in the beginning."

"How do you know so much, anyway?" I asked curiously. For a young girl, Kirra really knows her stuff.

"I have my ways," she said slyly.

"What I'm trying to say is, you and that 'fake match' of yours may turn out into something you don't expect."

"Maybe, I don't know. If I did manage to fall in love with this guy, it would definitely be less stressful handling the public."

"I wish you good luck then!" Kirra said cheerfully. "Don't get so worked up, you're still 16!"

"Alright, alright. Thanks anyway, Kirra," I smiled and kissed Kirra's forehead. I stood up and made my way to the door. This blind date better be a good one.


"Are you ordering miss?" A tall, lean lady came up to me. She had her straight blonde hair tied up in a ponytail and wore a white blouse and matching black skinny jeans and black pumps. She had a dark green apron with a name tag that says 'Heather' to go with the typical waitress look.

"It's okay, I'm waiting for someone. Thanks for asking," I replied politely. She smiled and walked away, busy entertaining the other customers. I sat there alone in my seat waiting for my 'date' to arrive. Sheesh I've never even seen him before and I'm already judgung him. I just hate it when somebody is late.

Just then I noticed a really tall guy walking in the cafe. He had jet-black hair and piercing hazel eyes. His jaw-line was so perfect and he had a broad chest and firm arms. To cut it short, he was hot. He must have noticed me staring, becaused he was staring at me back. I snapped myself out of my daze and smiled awkwardly. He smiled and headed towards me. I quickly brushed my hair away from my face and sat up properly.

Hey, first impression counts, even if it's for someone unimportant.

"Are you Kelli? Kelli Berglund?" he asked. Wow, he looked more perfect up close. His eyes looked innocent but you can tell he was trying to drill them into you.

"Urm.. Er.. Yeah, I'm Kelli. And.. you are?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh, I'm Damon. Damon Bates. Your fake boyfriend," he said nicely.

"Nice to meet you. I see that you're not offended by the name 'fake boyfriend'," I said as I motioned him to sit down.

"Well, I've been named worse, trust me," Damon said awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," why is someone like me talking some hottie like this guy???

"Are you ready to order miss?" the same waitress returned with her notebook and pen at hand. Thank goodness she interrupted us. I am seriously feeling extremely awkward while Damon is sitting there like some king.

"Oh yeah, thanks. I'll have a double chocolate frappe," I said quickly.

"And I'll have the classic latte," he requested.

"Alright your maximum waiting time is 15 minutes," the waitress said as she smiled and walked away.

"I don't mind being called weird names; fake boyfriend or secret stalker," he explained.

"I do it for the money."

Somebody here must have worked alot with the ladies.

"Oh, I see," I mumbled. I had no idea what else to say.

"I can tell you don't do well in making conversation," he teased and cracked a smile at the corner of his lips. Oh gosh. That smile though.

"Huh.. what?" I said, realising I was staring at him again.

"No.. no. I'm usually good at this... It's just.. I have a lot on my mind right now," I explained.

"Yeah I know how you feel. People just forcing you to do stuff you don't want to do." Wow, hot and understanding. Ugh, stop it Kelli! Quit it with the fangirling!

"You do? That's great. I hope you understand that I'm only doing this for the public to leave me alone. As soon as they are, we don't have to see each other again," I said frankly.


"You take rejection really well, huh?" I asked curiously.

"Well, it is part of my job." Soon the waitress came back with our drinks.

We continued talking for a while. I got to know Damon a little more. He seemed like a pretty nice guy. Although he has the looks, he didn't have a big ego. We laughed as we were sharing our experiences we had as actors. Although Damon wasn't a well-known actor, he did more of the undercover work, being in disguises to impersonate people in public helping out other celebrities' problems.


When we were done with our drinks,he payed for them and he gave me a ride home. He was only 18 and he already owns a ferrari.

"Thanks for the ride. Nice set of wheels by the way," I said as I quickly got out of the car. As much as I like this guy, I couldn't wait for this date to end.

"No problem. So.. I'll see when I need to see you," he smiled and closed the door, before driving off.

I walked back to my house and headed upstairs and flung myself onto my bed once I got into my room. I thought of how cool this guy is. He could easily pull off as my boyfriend, well considering the amount of experience he already has. I just can't get what Kirra said this morning out of my mind. Would something happen between Damon and I? Ugh, why is my life so complicated?

Just friends? (Billy Unger/ Kelli Berglund fanfiction) [ON HOLD]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora