Chapter 12

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Kelli's POV:

"Alright, I'm seriously confused. Who is this guy?" Billy was all flabbergasted. I never thought this day would come. Looks like I've got some explaining to do.

"Sigh... Alright. I never thought this would be the day but here goes," I began.

I told Billy everything. From the moment Jason and I became friends till the part where we started dating. Billy's confused expression slowly started to disappear.

"So, that's it. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I... I just can't help myself to bring it up again," I said finally.

"That doesn't explain why you've been ignoring me all this time!" Jason exclaimed. I could tell he was frustrated.

"You're such a jerk! How can you not know why? You were the one that caused this in the first place!" I was really furious with this guy.

"Kelli, I seriously don't know what you're-" I stopped him.

"You don't know? You, don't, know!? You were kissing another girl!"

Jason furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, trying to remember that horrid day. Eventually, he got the picture. Surprise surprise..

"You mean Jessica? Wait, you got this all wrong. She was my ex! She came to me that day over at the pier wanting to fix the relationship. I told her I was seeing you. She didn't believe me then she started kissing me! You have to know it was just a misunderstanding."

"Don't try to play innocent with me, Jason. I was there. I know what I saw and I know it wasn't her that made the first move. You know what, you're not even worth my time," I said as I turned to walk away. Jason then grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"You listen to me you little princess. It's no more Mr. Nice Guy. No girl has ever rejected me and you are not going to be the first. I know you want me, Kelli. You just don't know it yet." He was grabbing my arms really tightly they started to hurt. I was scared. I didn't know what to do.

"Hey, you let go of her!" I heard a voice from behind me. Billy! He was still here? I thought after that drama fest he would have left already.

"Just stay out of this, ass hole!" he shouted. Oh this is not going to be good. No one calls Billy names and gets away with it.

Billy's fists started to clench. He's eyebrows were knitted together.

"Call me that, one more time," Billy threatened. Jason let go of his grip from my arms and walked towards him.

"Leave, asshole!" he shouted and held his fist in the air and punched him. Of course, Billy saw it coming. He grabbed his fist and twisted his arm to his back. I've never heard Jason scream like a little girl since ever.

"Alright, Jason. I don't know you, but what I do know is that I don't like the way you're treating my best friend. If you think you can win Kelli just like that, think again. Kelli has a heart that's way stronger than any other girl I know. I bet you only want her because she is beautiful and that everybody else wanted her too," I saw Billy's eyes start to soften.

"I bet you don't the little things about her. I bet you don't know that her favorite colour is green and that she loves ice cream more than anything. I bet you don't know that she's not shy to burp in front of anyone and that she always cuts the crust away from the bread. There's so much more that you don't know about her, and you want to be her boyfriend? I'm surprised you didn't know she's already starring in a tv show, which explains her absence in school, by the way."

Is he really saying all that? Wow, I didn't he actually remembered all that.

"Alright, fine I get it! Just let me go, my arm hurts!" Jason pleaded.

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