Chapter 4

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Billy's POV:

It's been three days since I last saw Kelli. I was really disappointed with the fact. I've been walking around the park every day, hoping she would be there. No such luck.

I had to put all these aside at the moment, unfortunately. Today is the audition for that new disneyxd show I was talking about. I got the script two days ago. The show is called Lab Rats. It is basically about a billionare inventor who recently got married. His wife and step-son, Leo, moved into their new home, which was also the day Leo discovered three teenagers with special abilities living underneath their home in a secret laboratory. These teenagers are known to be bionicically engineered humans, with bionic abilities in chips installed in their necks. I'm auditioning for the character Chase, youngest if the three bionic teenagers.

It was already 11am. Audition starts in an hour. I quickly got into a change of clothes and headed downstairs. I noticed my mom was on the couch still asleep. She had been working late last night again. I haven't been seeing my mom around at home these past few days. Then again, I hardly see my dad too. He works a 12hour shift. He leaves home early in the morning and comes home when I'm already asleep.

I gave my mom a light kiss in the cheek and left the house. The studio was only a few blocks away so I decided to walk there. I really hoped the audition would go well. This could really boost my career to new heights.


"That was very well done, Billy. Thank you for auditioning. We will let you know the results by tomorrow afternoon. Your agent will give you a call," the director told me. I smiled and shook his hand, said thanks and left the studio. I was really happy with my audition. I said my lines with confidence and even avoided looking at the script. I really hope I get the part.

I was pretty much done for the day. I decided to go to the dirtbike track I usually go to when I was younger. Dirtbike riding was my favourite past time besides surfing, martial arts and playing my guitar. I went home, got my gear bag and headed to the track.

When I got there I went to rent the dirtbike and started to put on my gear. As I was about to put on my helmet, I heard someone calling out my name. I turned around to see two guys, one of them had brown and curly hair, while the other was blonde and spiked up.

"Hey Billy! Remember us? Dylan and Taylor? 5th grade? We used to go dirtbike riding together, " one of the guys tried to jog up my memory. They were my bros, of course I would remember them.

"Oh yeah! Hey I thought I won't see you guys! How's it been?" I said as we shook hands.

"Things are going great, but things weren't the same without you man," Dylan, the blonde, said with a grin.

"Yeah, We were hoping you'd come back soon." Taylor added.

"Well, I'm here now. Hey! Let's have a little race? For old times sake," I suggested.

They both agreed and put on their helmets. I put on mine as well and soon we were all geared up and ready on the starting line.

"Ready, set, go!" Taylor called out. And we were off. I listened to my engine roar as I rode the track. When I rode across the dunes and found myself suspended in the air, it almost felt like flying. Boy, do I miss dirtbike riding, especially together with my pals.

We were having too much fun, we didn't realise how many laps we have gone through. We noticed the sun was setting so we decided to call it a day. We returned our bikes and removed our gear.

"Man, even after a long time, you're still a pro!" Dylan praised.

"Yeap, I still got it," I laughed as I took a bow.

After we cleaned ourselves up and packed our gear, Taylor drove us to the nearest burger shack. This was the place we always hang out after a whole day at the bike track.

We spend about almost an hour just trying to catch up on things.

"So, Billy, puberty did you good. You know, besides the height," I gave Dylan the straight face when he mentioned that.

"I'm sorry, I just had to say it. Anyway, you got any special lady in your life right now?" He asked curiously. Even Taylor seemed rather interested.

"Well, now that you've mention it, my sister is turning 19 in a few days so I'm thinking of doing something special for her," I said sarcastically.

"Come on Billy, you know what we mean,"

"Yeah," Taylor joined. "You're the youngest and it's our job to look out for you.. And the girl that you're gonna hook up with." He said the last line in between fake coughs.

"Guys, seriously. I think you are overthinking this. In case you haven't noticed, I'm 16, not 20. I think I need to handle this step by step, don't you think?" I explained. Looks like things haven't changed the past few years. Dylan and Taylor have always been falling in love with girls so easily. I could still remember they had their first crushes when they were 12.

"Hey, we're sorry dude. We just assumed you've already made your move with Kelli back then," said Dylan.

"Why would you think I had made my move with Kelli?" I asked.

"Well, you guys were so close then. I mean, you guys hang out like 24/7, for like what, three years? Don't tell me you haven't fallen for her yet. Cause if you haven't, you've got serious issues. I mean, have you seen her lately? Puberty definitely did her good," Taylor explained while Dylan constantly nodded the whole time. The four of us, Kelli, Taylor, Dylan and I were pals in school. Some of us go to the same classes. Ever since I left, they told me they weren't as close anymore.

"Look, Kelli and I have been best friends for a long time, sure. But I don't think anything is going to change. Besides, I only met her once ever since I got back from Florida. And because I didn't get her number, I don't think I'll see her again. So I pretty much have no choice but to move on," I lectured. I don't really have the strength to talk about her anymore. It only makes me feel worse.

"Wow," they both said in unision. "Soth move bro."

"Guys, seriously. Would you please drop the subject? I can't take much more of this," I finally said.

Ok, so this is the end of chapter 4. I hope you guys enjoy the storyline so far! Thank you for reading and do click the little vote button before go :)

If you have any opinions, I would LOVE to hear them! Post them in the comments and I will be happy to answer them if neccessary :D

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