Chapter 29

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Hey guys! Sorry for late update! I was going to post it earlier but my internet crashed. It's fine now so.. well here is chapter 29!

Read till the very last word!


Kelli's POV:

It was nice to be in Billy's arms again.

Ugh, what's the matter with you? You're suppose to be mad, remember?

No matter how many times my mind kept telling me to let go, I disobeyed myself and buried my head further into his chest, releasing the tears that I've been holding onto all this while.

"Just let it all out. Don't worry.. I'm here," he whispered to my ear. He stroked my hair gently, running them through his fingers. He had his other hand firmly held against my back. I heaved a sigh of relief and pulled away from him slowly, giving him a small smile.

"Feel better?" he smiled, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"Very much, thank you," I replied and laughed a little.

His smile slowly started to disappear, and had a more guilty look crossed upon his face. He looked up and whispered, "Listen, Kelli.. I am so sorry I bursted out like that. I didn't know you felt that way."

"No, it's my fault. I should've explained to you before instead of having to let you find out this way," I admitted.

He had both his hands held against my cheeks. "It doesn't matter now. I'm glad that you told me. At least we know it's not goodbye forever."

Yeah... right...


After we've fully calmed ourselves down, Billy drove me home. Looks like I finally got that ride he promised. When we finally arrived home, we got out and he walked me up to the front door. As I took out my keys, I looked at the corner of my eye and noticed the front has been staring at me for quite some time.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

He shook his head. "Oh, it's nothing.. It's just-" he paused for a while before continuing. "You seem a little bit distracted ever since we got into the car. Is there something you want to tell me?" I could see the innocence glistening in his eyes. He was yearning for an answer.

No, there's no way I'm telling now! I-I just can't!

I couldn't help but hesitate. "N-no, there's nothing on my mind... I'm just a little tired that's all.. It's been a long day," I explained. I felt so guilty, just lying to him. I've never lied to Billy. I could sense he was hurt, as if he knew I was hiding something.

"Okay, if you're sure," he said softly. We stood there not saying anything for a while. He then broke the silence. He looked up and said, "Well, since you hate saying goodbye.. I guess instead I'll say this.. I'll see you later."

I gave a small smile. "Yeah, I guess that's a little better. I'll see you later." I repeated.

He waited for me to go inside the house and close the door. I leaned my back against it and sunk myself down onto the floor and heaved a long, deep sigh.I closed my eyes for a while, taking a few deep breathes.

A few minutes later, I realised that I haven't heard Billy's car drive away. I stood up and walked towards the window, peeking through the curtains. His car was still there. I turned my head a little so I was able to see the front door. Sure enough, there he was.

He had his back against the door, just like how I did earlier. I remained hidden behind the curtains, my eyes glued to the window. I know, it sounds creepy. But hey, admit it.. You'd do the same if you were me..

I watched as he kept sighing and running his fingers through his messy brown hair. Eventually, he got up, adjusted his black leather jacket and made his way back to his car, before turning the ignition on and driving off.

I sighed once more once I made sure he was out of sight. I tiptoed up the stairs and quickly as I could and sneaked past my parents' and Kirra's bedroom without making a sound. Once I got to my room, I quickly took out my nightgown and place it neatly on the edge of my bed, before making my way to the shower.

Though I usually take long, thoughtful showers, I only took about 10 minutes. I must've been too tired to even think about anything at the moment. After putting on my clothes I went to the bathroom again to brush my teeth. After that I promptly went to bed.


Billy's POV:

I was already in bed, after a quick supper downstairs and a shower afterwards. I knew I was suppose to be asleep right now, but.. There's just too much questions running through my mind.

I stood up to look at the clock.


I groaned and kept with my routine of tossing and turning.

I just can't seem to get rid of the fact that something was wrong with Kelli. She just didn't seem right earlier. Her ranting was pretty normal, I guess.. Considering the amount of stress she's going true thanks to peer pressure from our adoring fans.

There was just something different about her. Something I've never seen before. I tried calling her name a few times in the car on our way to her house, but she was too absorbed in her thoughts she probably couldn't hear me. When I asked her what was wrong, she simply said nothing, but was afraid to make eye contact with me when she said it.

Was she.. Hiding something from me?

No.. She can't be. She has never lied to me before. In our years of friendship, Kelli has always been telling me everything. She was never afraid to open up to me. It didn't matter wether or not it was important, she would still share it with me anyway. Of course, I did the same too. She was one of the only friends I had who I could trust a hundred percent.

Now, things are just different. She seems to be avoiding me for one moment and the next she didn't want to talk to me. Even after we've cleared that problem up, there was still something ahe wasn't telling me.

Maybe I'm just being too cautious. I mean, I'm not her dad.. She doesn't need to report every single thing to me. It's just- Everything's all so different now. It's like I don't know her anymore.

Have Kelli and I grown apart?


Heyyy sorry this chapter is kind of short.

Like I've mentioned before I've been busy lately...

Anyway, I realised that it's almost till 30 chapters! I never expected this fanfic to be this successful! Thank you so much to all you awesome readers, I couldn't have done it without ya!

I still have no idea how many more chapters this book is going to last.. How many more do you think?

Let me know in the comments :)

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