Chapter 22

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Kelli's POV:

I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. I looked into the mirror to see a girl whose eyes were puffy from crying all night. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, before getting into the shower.

After that, I quickly put on some clothes and went downstairs.

"Another day at work," I said to myself. I opened the door and made my way towards the studio. We're filming our first episode of season three today. To be honest, despite all the drama that's been going on, I'm still really excited to film our third season. It's definitely a lot more action-packed and a lot more laughs.


"That was awesome! I can't believe I just got filmed in a pool! This episode is going to be epic!" Spencer said excitedly before grabbing a towel to dry himself.

"Alright, Spencer you can go get yourself dried up and changed for the next scene. Billy and Kelli, once your hair and make up are done, we're going to move on the scene where Chase and Bree on the ship keeping watch for Adam," our director.. well.. directed us.

Soon Billy and I were on the studio-sized ship and we started filming.

"And... Action!"


It's been really hard for me to be filming with Billy, especially if it was just the two of us. Everytime I look into his eyes, I can't seem to help myself from staring at them.

"We can track the sub on my sonar scan," Chase said seriously. He did his thing and an image appeared before us.

"Come on Adam," Bree prayed for her brother.

"500 feet to impact," Chase started to count. "The sub's about to hit!"

"Don't worry, he can do this," Bree tried to reassure Chase. However, the numbers were making it difficult to convince him.

"300 feet, 200 feet, 100 feet!" Chase started to panic. "It's 50 feet away!"

By then Adam has reached the bottom of the ocean. He positioned himself such that pushing the sub would be easier. He got his hands held up and as soon as the nose has touched his fingertips, he braced himself and used all of his strength to push it away, diverting back to the surface.

"He did it!" Chase exclaimed in excitement.

"Alright!" Bree stood up and gave Chase a high five.

"Cut! That was great! Now this time, can we have you guys to hug this time? It's more natural that way," our director instructed.

"Oh, alright.. i mean if you're okay with that," Billy asked me awkwardly.

"Oh, urm.. yeah, I'm okay with it," I reassured hesitantly, though I'm not sure if it was a good idea. I don't think I'll be able to pull of a brother-sister hug with Billy..

"Alright, from where we left off. And... Action!"

"He did it!" Chase exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes!" Bree stood up and hugged Chase tightly.

"You know, I'm glad we did the right thing," Bree said satisfied.

"Yeah. Mr Davenport would have been proud," Chase agreed.

This was the first time I hugged Billy in a long time, even if it was just a few weeks. I missed them so much. It felt wonderful to be in his arms again.

I had put to this happy thought aside though. The camera was still rolling. We continued to play the scene where Adam just came back from the sea realised he could breathe underwater.


"And cut! That's a wrap guys. Great job everyone!"

We all cheered for another productive day. Exhausted, we dragged ourselves back into the dressing room to get our things and head home.

As I was walking out, a hand was gently placed on my shoulder. I turned to see Billy looking a little uneasy.

"Hey, Kelli... Can.. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't been writing as often I normally do. I am still studying for exams on two of my weakest subjects... It's on a Tuesday so hopefully by then I'll be able to continue with my routine :)

Keep the comments going guys! I would love to know your opinions :)

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