Chapter 32

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Kelli's POV:

Its been three weeks since Damon confessed to me. Unbelivable, I know. To be honest, I never thought my relationship with Damon could ever go this far. Turns out, there was more to him than just a hottie. He wa sweet, funny and helplessly romantic. For example would be our last date, which was two days ago. 

We were suppose to be having a fancy dinner at this fancy restaurant downtown in the evening. When I woke up that day, I found myself greeted by a beautiful bouqet of flowers on the dining table with a card.

Hey beautiful! I can't wait to see you tonight! :)

I know what you're probably wondering now.

Are you in love with Damon?

Have you moved on?

The truth is, I don't really know whatto feel right now. I mean, I really like Damon. Love? I'm not so sure about that. Damon and I have yet to say those three special words to each other. So, I guess he and I aren't exactly official yet.

As for Billy, I don't know hat to feel about him either. I haven't seen him for the past few weeks. He hasn't called or sent me a text. Maybe he already forgot about me. He might have changed his thoughts about that Danielle girl. Who knows, maybe Billy has a sudden taste for bitches now. Looks kike Caroline was right. There was no point having feelings fo him anymore. I guess maybe I've already moved on.

Suddenly, I heard a knock outside my door.

"Yeah?" I called out.

"It's me. Can I come in?" I looked up to see my mom peeking through the side of the doors. I simly nodded and she walked in and sat at my bed, where I had spent the afternoon.

"Kelli, you've been in here for hours. Is everything okay?" she asked me curiously. I was sitting next to her at the edge of my bed and she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, everything's fine, mom. I was just.. Thinking," I gave her my most honest answer. My mom had a worried look on her face. "What about you, mom? Is there something on your mind?"

She hesitated for a while. She sighed and looked up at me with her brown eyes, which I had inherited from.

"Kelli, I'm going to be honest with you... Just- here me out, okay?" I nodded hesitantly, anxious to hear what she has to say.

"Kelli, I'm worried for you. There's nust something about that boy you're going out with."

Woah, I did not see that coming. I though she liked Damon.

"You mean Damon?" I asked to make sure we were talking about the same person.

"Yes, that boy."

I spoke up, sounding a little louder than usual. "But, mom.. What's wrong with Damon? He didn't ev-"

"Kelli please, just listen to me for a moment," my mom said, cutting me off. I patiently and silently waited for her to calm herself down before she continued.

"It's just.. There's something I don't like about him. Everytime he comes over he's always looking a little paranoid, like as if someone was watching him or something. When you're not looking, he's wahs smirking on his phone, texting someone. I know... You think I may be overthinking this, but, I'm your mother. It's my job to worry and look out for you."

"Mom," I muttered. "I, I don't know what to say... I mean, are you sure?"

"Look, I know you really like this boy, but.. somehow I can just tell that he might just be using you. I.. I might be wrong but-"

"Mom, when have you ever been wrong?" I cut in. It was true ever single time I meet someone new she's always bound to know him or her better than I do.

"Just, just be careful when you're with him okay?" she smiled weakly. I nodded slowly, returning the smile. She gave me a hug and kissed my forehead, before she stood up and walked out of my room.

As soon as she left, I landed myself down onto my bed once again. My mind was flooded with so much emotions I couldn't explain and questions I'm dying to know the answers. Was it true, everything that mom had said.. I don't know.

I picked my phone and went to my contacts. I stopped and stared at Damon's number for a while. A part of me wanted to call him. Yet, a part of me just didn't want to see him at all.

What was I suppose to do?

Face it, Kelli. Your mom has never been wrong about your friends. She was right about those jerks like Jason, and right about the people whom I know and love.

Maybe I should just wait till Damon and I go for another date.. If I'm noticing everything mom had observed, I'm definitely going to question him.


Damon's POV:

"Hey, dude.. It's been like what? Three weeks? When are you going to let us meet her?" my friend, Scott asked. Him as well as my good friend, Jamie, were hiding in an alley farther uptown, having some cigerattes.

"Woah, hold on to your horses, mate. I need to get her to trust me first," I explained, keeping my voice as low as possible.

"Damn it, Damon! You're always the one who brings back the girl late. You i haven't kissed a girl in like what, a month?" Jamie, retorted.

"Plus, you told us that she's a real beauty. Anytime soon would be good!" Scott added.

"Guys come on, give me a break. This girl is kinda tricky. She still has feelings for some nerd guy she used to work with. It's going to be hard to get her to fall for me," I complained as I began to scratch the back of my neck.

"I don't care who she likes, you or that guy. Just bring her here. You know you want to start messing around with her sooner or later," Jamie brought up.

He's right. It's been a while since the three of us had some fun. And I always wondered what would it be like to mess with Kelli. She is by far the hottest, yet innocent girl we've ever met. Girls that are naive are always much more entertaining.

"Don't worry. I have an idea. I'll have her here by tomorrow night. But I'll need your help."

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