Chapter 16

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Billy's POV:

"I love it. It sounds beautiful."

"What can I say? It takes a big man to play a little instrument," I couldn't help but boast.

"How come you've never sang infront of me before?" she asked curiously.

"Well, for starters, you didn't ask," I teased.

"Come on, I'm serious," Kelli said and gave me a light punch on the arm.

"I was afraid you would think my voice is weird. That's what some people I used to know say," I mumbled at the last part.

"Well then those people are just tone deaf. Your voice is wonderful,"

"Better than Cody Simpson?" I teased again.

"I'd choose to listen to you sing any day," she said and smiled. Sometimes really I think Kelli is more romantic than I am. Looks like there's one skill I need to improve on.

Just then I heard the front door opening.

"I'm home!" I heard Erin's voice drifting into my room.

"Come on, let's head downstairs," I said.

Kelli nodded and I kept my ukele back in the closet. This little instrument is definitely going to come in handy.

"Hey there, Erin!" I called out to my sister.

"Hey Billy, I need to tell you-" she paused when she turned and noticed Kelli was here too.

"Kelli! Hey, you're here too. I.. I have to show the both of you something.." Erin said hesitantly. I wonder what was it that's making Erin acting all weird.

"What's wrong?" Kelli asked curiously. She sat down on the couch in the living room and Kelli and I sat on the other side. She unzipped her backpack and took out a magazine. Teen Celebs magazine to be specific.

"This.. Is what's wrong," she said as she laid the magazine on the coffee table, showing us the cover page. It had a picture of Kelli and I on the bridge that other night..

"Oh my gosh," I heard Kelli whispered in utter disbelief. She had both her hands covering her mouth.

"I know.. Unfortunately that's not all," Erin said seriously.

She opened to page 12, where the article was written and she read the first paragraph out loud to us, "Siblings in Love?" was the title.

"Teen stars Kelli Berglund and Billy Unger in the all time hit series Lab Rats have mentioned before they were best friends. Who would have thought they have moved on to something more than that? Though some fans say they think they would make the next 'sweetest disney couple of the century', there are many who disagree to this new relationship that they have. Quoting from some of the tweets we've found, 'They are siblings in a TV show! Dating each other is going to ruin the whole feeling in story'. There were also more comments wanting them to end their relationship immediately," Erin stopped reading.

"Should I continue?" she asked.

"No, I think we've heard enough," I said, still in a shocked stage. I turned to see Kelli in a daze, staring at nothing but the space infront of her.

"Kelli?" I called to her. Tears then started to flow down her cheeks. I sat myself closer to her and place my arm around her and kissed her forehead. I didn't say anything. Kelli always needs time to digest this sort of information, especially when it's this shocking.

"I... I can't.. What?" she stuttered.

"I can't believe people would say things like that," Erin said angrily.

"I know, but there's nothing we can do. What's done is done," I said frankly.

"But.. What does that mean for us?" Kelli looked up, her eyes meeting mine.

"I really don't know.. Erin?" I asked my older sister, who was in deep thought.

"You can't risk being seen in public anymore," she said at last.

"What? No! I can't go on a day without Kelli!" I argued.

"I know... But you have to see the bigger picture here. These are just comments online and articles on magazines. I've seen all these stunts done by the public before. It doesn't end here. Next thing their going to do is send hate mail to the studio, your houses if they manage to find out your addresses. And the worst case scenario.." she paused.

"What's the worst that they're gonna do?" Kelli asked as she was wiping her tears away.

"More paparazzi. They're going to be everywhere you go. Even at places you'll never expect. And once they get enough footage, it's going to be on all teen magazines, or worst, on tv," Erin explained.

"Then, that just means one thing," Kelli mumbled and stood up from her seat. I think I knew what she meant.

"I'll give you some time to be with yourselves," my sister said quickly, somehow knowing what's about to happen.

"You don't mean.." I asked worriedly, standing up as well.

"We have to stop seeing each other," she said frankly.

I can't bear to say this but, "You're right. If we don't see each other, all those comments will stop and nobody else would get hurt."

"It's the only way, isn't it?" she whispered.

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm afraid it is." I really didn't want our relationship to end this way.

"Can't we just one more night together? Just you and me?" Kelli mumbled, looking up to me.

"You're the only one I want to be with right now," I whispered. I leaned in and our lips brushed. It was just a touch at first but I slowly deepened the kiss and Kelli took it and leaned in closer. Her hands carressed my neck and mine were wrapped around her waist. There was definitely no more space between us. My lips never left hers for a long time. I wish I'd never need to. We ran slightly out of breathe so we had to pull away.

"I'm gonna miss that, a lot," she whispered.

"Not as much I'm going to miss the days spending time with you," I whispered back. She started to yawn and blinked a lot. It was already late so I invited her to stay over for the night.

She nodded and went to call her parents. Thankfully they didn't mind as they trust that I would be able to protect their daughter. I brought her to the guest room, which was upstairs, just opposite my room. There wasn't a bathroom in the guestroom but there is one in mine, so I gave Kelli time to use my room to shower and change. I asked Erin for some clothes she could borrow for the night and I placed them on the bed and left the room.

I waited in the living room and sat on the couch, thinking about the fact that this will be the last time I'll be spending time with Kelli. Of course, we still hang out together in the studio and stuff, but it will never be the same. We still have to keep our camera faces on like 90 per cent of the time. We can't let any paparazzi catch us. I have a feeling they are just going to worsen our relationship. Well, at least we'll just be friends from now on.

How long do you think their relationship is going to last? Will they have to stay friends for the rest of their lives, just for the camera? Keep on reading to find out ;)

Oh, and thank you @IAmAwesome1401 for the idea! I love it :)

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