Chapter 19

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Billy's POV:

My agent brought Kelli and I to her office somewhere nearby the studio. Apparently whatever she needed to show was all there. When we arrived we got into the room and she motioned us to take a seat.

"What's going on?" I asked, still very confused. To be honest, I wasn't really surprised. I've been in a lot of confused situations lately.

"We have to wait for Katherine to arrive," Jennifer said monotonously. Katherine was Kelli's agent. She was here too?

Soon, we heard a knock on the door. It opened and there Katherine appeared with a wide envelope in her hands.

"I've got it," she said, her face showing no sign of happiness. She walked over to the desk and stood behind Jennifer, handing her the envelope. She held the envelope and held it out to us.

"I think you might want to take a look at this. Then, I need some sort of explanation from the two of you," she said seriously. I took the envelope from her hands and opened the seal. I looked over to Kelli, who had a really worried look on her face. I could tell she didn't want to know what was inside, but she reluctantly told me to open it. I placed my hand inside and felt there were a few pieces of paper. They were not exactly paper, they felt glossy. My heart skipped a beat when I realised they were photos. I slowly pulled them out. By then I pretty much have guessed what pictures they were of.

There they were, laying all over the desk, were the pictures of Kelli and I that night. 

I looked over to Kelli, who didn't seem surprised as well. Even so, she still had tears filling up her eyes.

"Why does this keep happening to us! We didn't even do anything! We've only gone out for like a few weeks and this happens?" Kelli exclaimed, sounding almost angry.

"You mean you already knew this was happening?" Jennifer asked, surprised.

"Yeah.. Our photos were on Teen Celebs magazine a few days ago. We knew this was definitely going to happen again, but we never knew it would be this soon," I explained.

"I see. Well you are lucky these will never be shown anywhere in public," Katherine said at last. I noticed Kelli's eyes begin to lit up slightly.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"I found these on the Teen Celebs website, just as it was uploaded. Thankfully I managed to remove them, before anyone could have a chance to see them. I also went to their studio and convinced them to delete every single soft copy and.. confiscate these," she explained and pointed to the photos.

"Thank you so much, Katherine.. You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that," Kelli said as she gave a huge sigh of relief.

"When did this started? You two.. I mean,"

Jennifer asked curiously. "And why didn't you tell us?"

"A few weeks ago.. We thought you already knew. I mean, everyone in the studio is teasing us all the time," Kelli explained. I could tell she was feeling better. I smiled to myself, recalling all those funny moments in the studio.

"Well, who wouldn't have seen this coming?" Katherine said and Jennifer nodded in agreement.

I looked at Kelli and we both knew that this conversation was not going to get anywhere.

"So what happens now? The public might be still thinking we're together. Even if..." I hesitated. "Even if we're not."

They went silent. They looked at each other for a while. Then they nodded and faced us once again.

"We've been discussing.. And we thought that the only way we can get the media to stop all the negative comments.. Is to have the both of you..." Jennifer paused.

"To have what?" I asked impatiently.

"To have a relationship with someone else." Wait what?

"I'm sorry... I'm confused. What does that suppose to mean?" Kelli said nervously.

"What we mean is, Billy you'll have another girlfriend.. while Kelli, another boyfriend."

"And how is that suppose to help?" I asked angrily.

"Billy, just think about it. If they see you're are officially off with each other and that you've gotten someone else, everyone else is happy and they'll leave you alone."

"Everybody is happy except me! Us! I am not going to have a relationship with someone I don't love, just to make the public happy!" I've always been a patient guy, but nobody jokes around with me when it comes to serious situations like this.

"Billy, calm down," Kelli said as she held on my shoulder. "I know this is hard.. I don't like the idea too.. But, if we do this, they'll leave us alone." I started to relax a little.

"Sigh, I guess you're right." I gave in at last.

"Alright. Now, we'll be getting just part-time actors that are not very well known.. no offence to them." Katherine briefed.

"Why do they have to be part-time?" Kelli asked curiously.

"Most people won't know them. If they see you with more 'regular' people, they wouldn't take it so seriously and see that there is no need for coverage. It's won't be what they like to call, juicy news."

"Alright. So when does this start?" I stood up and massaged my forehead.

"As soon as possible. Once we get the people, we'll let you know."

"If there is nothing else, you are free to go. Get some rest. Filming starts next week alright?" Kelli and I both nodded and we headed out of the office.

"Well, looks like it's really over for us isn't it?" Kelli said at last after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said with disappointment. "But, it doesn't mean we can't hang out anymore right? We can still go as friends."

"Of course, we just have to bring more friends along, so.. It wouldn't look like a date or anything," Kelli suggested.

"Good thinking."

"It's not going to hard.. I mean, we've been best friends since forever! How hard can it be?" Kelli said as she playfully punched my arm.

"Yeah I guess you're right. It's not a total loss," I agreed.

Honestly, I don't think this was going to be easy at all.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it!

I know things are looking really bad in terms of Billy and Kelli's relationship, but I'm telling you, I don't just ship them, I TITANIC them! So some expect exciting things in the later chapters ;)

Vote and comment! Love u guys :)

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