Chapter 35

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Damon's POV:

I tucked my phone back into my pocket. Time to put the rest of my plan into action. I quickly sneaked my way back to the entrance. Once there, I casually walked in, pretending as if I just arrived.  I made my way around, looking for Kelli.  After a few minutes of searching,  I finally found her on the bridge, her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, I finally found you!" I tried to sound as casual as possible. I walked towards her and noticed she was trying to wipe her tears before I could see them.

"Hey," I whispered. I lifted her chin so her eyes met mine. "What's wrong?"

"It... It's nothing... I'm fine," she mumbled, trying to look away.

"Well,  obviously you're lying. Come on you can tell me.. Don't you trust me?" I asked, placing my hand gently on her shoulder.

Her eyes widened all of a sudden, though she still wasn't making eye contact was me. She took a deep breathe and finally,  she looked up, her beautiful brown eyes meeting mine.

"I..  I trust you Damon,  it's just.. If I tell you the reason as to why I'm upset.. Well, let's just say you're probably not going to like it," Kelli spoke up, slowly gaining back her confidence.

"I don't care. I'm your friend and... I really like you. Nothing you say is going to change that," I said softly as I brushed the few strands of hair from her face to the back of her ears.

She shivered a little at my touch. I could see her blushing slightly as she simply gave me a small smile.

She sighed once more and continued, "Okay.. So I arrived here early and decided to take a walk, just like you said. I was fine until I saw.." she paused, her words were stuck in her throat, afraid to continue.

She closed her eyes tightly before saying it as fast as she could. "I saw Billy kissing another girl."

I opened my mouth to say something, but she managed to cut me off. "Look, I know it sounds stupid. I shouldn't even be talking about this with you since we're dating. I'm sorry.. Just forget it, okay?" she sounded really upset. Just like how I'd plan.

"Kelli don't say that. You have every right to be upset," I said, placing both my hands on the side of her face.

"You're a wonderful girl and you don't deserve to see something like that. Besides, it's normal to be upset. I know how much you liked him before and I can't just be a jerk and control all your feelings for him. Besides maybe he had a good explanation for what happened, " I explained. I tried to control my urge to smile at the fact that she listening to me intently.

"Please, they kissed! There is nothing left to explain!" She retorted. She immediately covered her mouth, realising what she had said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you," she mumbled, looking a little flushed.

"It's okay, I probably deserved that.  I should have came earlier so you didn't have to go through all that by yourself."

She smiled and began to wipe away the rest of her tears. "Well you're here now and that's all that matters." She leaned foward and gave me a hug.


Kelli's POV:

"Thank you, Damon, by the way.." I mumbled shyly. We were still on the bridge, however I felt much better after talking to Damon.

"What for?" he asked me curiously.

"For everything. The things that you said about me before. It was really sweet of you. Also, you were there when nobody else was. I really appreciate your company."

"Hey, it was no big deal. I like being with you," he said, giving me a really friendly smile, which made me blush a little.

Maybe my mom's just seeing things.  Damon is such a sweet guy and he's been there for me all this while. He's always thinking of ways to make me feel special, even when I protest, saying how it was completely untrue.

I wondered why mom would think that Damon was hiding something. I know my mom was always right and everything but, this time I really just don't see it.

"Kelli!" The sound of someone's exclamation broke my tail of thought. I turned around to see Billy, slightly red in the face, almost as if he went for a marathon.

"Billy?" I whispered, obviously in shock. It took me a while but I finally managed to wipe my surprised expression on my face into a more upset one. "What are you doing here?"

"I just want to talk to you. I want to explain-"

"No, there's no need for that," I cut him off. "I can't do this anymore Billy." I took another deep breathe before continueing. 

"I spent so long just thinking about you, constantly wondering if you ever had the same feelings for me like I had for you. There was even a point in time where we were head over heels for each other, trust me I will never forget that. But the world doesn't want us to be together and for a moment I didn't care about what everyone thinks. I just wanted to be with you."

"The sad thing is, you didn't feel the same way. We've never talked, you've never even called me. Everyone's been telling me to move on, but I can't. Right up till just now. You seem to have moved on,  and now so should I."

And with that, I turned around and left without another word. A small part of me was hoping he would chase after me.

But you know what?

He didn't.

I apologize once again for a really short chapter!  Please don't be mad at me!  I'm really trying my best to find time to write them.

I tests this week but I do have a 'day off' this fri so hopefully I'll write and post it somewhere this weekend.

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