Chapter 40

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Kelli's POV:

I sat down on one of the seats as I waited for Billy to buy our ice-cream. I watched as he looked at the menu above him. While he was doing so, I noticed the girl at the counter, who may I add was wearing an outfit that was way too provocative for the job, was busy making googly eyes at Billy.

She had dirty blonde hair which was tied up in a messy bun. She wore a white tank top and black short shorts. She also had a maroon cap and apron which was 'adjusted to fit'. She was playing with the hem of the back of her shirt quickly adjusted her apron and...

Is she pushing up her bra???

I widen my eyes, surprised as to how desperate she was trying to catch Billy's attention. She stopped adjusting herself and smiled as Billy looked away from the menu and said a few words to her. She collected the money from Billy and I noticed her biting her lip just as their hands touched. I simply rolled my eyes.

Within less than a minute, she had two cones ready. Billy took the cones thanked the girl. Just as he was about to walk away, the girl managed to stop him. I couldn't tell what she was saying, but it was obvious she was flirting with him. I nearly puked when I saw her batting her eyes at him and trying to lean closer to him, despite the counter top that was separating them.

Just before I thought it was going to take forever, I noticed Billy was walking away from the girl, leaving her shocked and.. maybe offended..

Woah, she looks pissed.

She must have noticed Billy walking towards me, because the first thing she did when she noticed me was to glare at me like as if her eyes were daggers. I decided to humour her and glared back.

"Rocky road. Just the way you like it," Billy's words broke my glaring contest with the girl.

"Thanks!" I took my eyes off of her and took the cone.

I was glad he still remembered my favourite ice-cream flavour after so long...

I stood up from my seat and we both exited the parlour. As the door was slowly closing, I quickly turned around and smiled at the girl. I even did a bonus move and waved at her, making her fuming with anger.

"What was that about?" Billy asked curiously, taking his first lick from his ice-cream. He had Rocky Road as well. He must have noticed the tension between the counter girl and I.

"Oh, it's nothing," I answered simply.

"It can't possibly be nothing. She looked like she wanted to rip your throat out," Billy argued.

"Well, maybe you could tell ne what happened between you and her first." Looks like I got him cornered.

"What her? Nothing happened. We just talked and that's it."

"Be specific!" I complained. "I know I wasn't the first on her 'to kill' list."

Billy couldn't helpbut laugh. "Okay, she flirted and I put her down. She didn't take it too well though. I must've been the first person who has ever rejected her offer," Billy explained in between licks of his ice-cream. He was almost reaching the wafer cone.

"What did you say?" I asked. Being the faster eater, I was almost halfway down muching the cone.

"Well, I didn't notice anything at first. Only after I took the ice-cream was when I noticed she was attracted to me," Billy said, adding a little smirk at the corner of his lips.

"Hold on there. You're telling me that the while time before you didn't notice her trying to get her attention?"

"Nope," Billy said, enhancing the end.

Just friends? (Billy Unger/ Kelli Berglund fanfiction) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now